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What To Do When You Find a Marine Mammal...

Stay Back! -- Observe! -- Report!

Stay Back!

  • Do not approach any wild animal! Don't touch the animal. All marine mammals are protected by the Marine Mammal Protection Act. This law makes it illegal to touch, disturb, feed or otherwise harass marine mammals without authorization. A beached whale, dolphin, or porpoise should be reported immediately and left alone pending further instruction.
  • Give the animal plenty of space. We observe from a distance through binoculars so that we don't stress the animal. Crowding around stresses the animal and may cause it to act aggressively. Also, if you're close enough to cause a reaction in the animal, you're in violation of the Marine Mammal Protection Act!
  • Keep pets away from stranded animals. Not only can they bite and cause injury, but also they themselves can become injured - especially by dogs. Diseases can also be transmitted between stranded animals and pets.
  • Don't try to render first aid. Do not pour water on it, feed it, cover it, or attempt to move it to the water. It is normal for seals to come ashore to rest - they often choose to be dry.


  • Take note of any obvious signs of injury and the overall body condition of the animal. Is it robust or emaciated? Is it weak and gaunt? Are there any open wounds?
  • Note the physical characteristics like size, absence or presence of external ears, and fur color. This will help us determine the species and what rescue equipment and volunteers are needed.
  • Note the presence of other animals. Some species are social animals and the fact that it's alone might tell us that it's in distress. (this is especially true for dolphins).
  • Note the state of the sea.
  • Determine the exact location of the animal for accurate directions. Note any recognizable landmarks. We can't rescue an animal if we can't find it.


  • Report any marine mammal you see by calling the New England aquarium's Hotline: (617) 973-5247. They will contact the Stranding Team.
  • Even if the animal is dead, we want to know about it!
  • Also, please call us if you see any whales from the beach!

To Report a Stranding or Sighting,
Call the NEAQ Hotline: (617) 973-5247

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