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Viet Nam Vets


Viet Nam Vets

He was sent to Viet Nam, so very far away,
From his friends and family, he left that very day.
A soldier for America, he did not think to hide.
Fighting for his country, he loved deep down inside.

Through Viet Nam he traveled, so many traps about,
His buddies falling to the ground, whenever shots rang out.
Through the marsh he crawled, watching out for snakes,
Rice paddies mixed with blood, it was more than he could take.

The Vietnamese children, joined into the fray,
Carrying bombs on their bodies, to blow our men away.
The friendly natives living there, turned their backs on him,
For he was fighting a war, that America could not win.

When the war was over, and the fighting was all done,
Broken in mind and spirit, they came back from Viet Nam.
They came home to their families, quiet as can be,
Remembering the men who died, the inhumanity.

There was no celebration, when these men arrived,
No respect for the living, or the many who had died.
Not even a simple thank you, we know you did your best,
America turned its back that day, on Viet Nam Vets.

It's a sorry world we live in, when deserters are welcomed home,
Instead of our Viet Nam Veterans, whose courage did not roam.
Let us hope Americans, have learned their lesson today,
To always thank the Veteran, who did not run away.

Remembering Bruce L. Simpson

He was born and raised in Sebring,
A "small town" country boy,
Among his friends and family, He was a constant joy.
Happy in school, he played the game, Of football, he was a star,
His family had hopes and many dreams, Someday he would go far.

His motorcycle he rode around, all thru his small home town,
Always happy and laughing, seems nothing got him down.
He was always playing tricks, on friends and family,
Full of fun and vinegar, mischievous as can be.

A very giving person, he was always lending a hand,
He had a lot of respect, for the people in this land.
He knew someday, he would leave, and go far away,
Sometime in the future, it would not be today.

Then war raised it's ugly head, To Viet Nam he went,
He left behind his family, To go where he was sent.
This terrible war took his life, Took this families joy,
Leaving just a memory, Of their American boy.

This family has a lot of pride, with the grief they hold,
For their son who went to war, the stories left untold.
He did not live very long, but memories will stay,
He is not forgotten, he's remembered every day,

Bruce was born Feb. 19, 1947, Raised in Sebring FL.
He died Oct. 1966 in Da Nang, Viet Nam.
"A single shot rang out, his duty ended."
Written for Bruce L. Simpson Am. Vets Post