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Comments I've Gotten

I took "Toaster Oven" school and showed it to a bunch of classmates who showed it to other classmates and a couple teachers. I also emailed it to a couple friends. Here are some of the comments I got from readers (these are very much true):

"You must have been really bored."

"What in the world am I reading?!?"

"I didn't used to think you were on drugs..."

"You have way too much time."

"There's something wrong with this one."

"You need to find better ways to busy yourself."

*odd glance*"Umm...ok..."

*frequent laughter*

"You're the one that wrote this?"

"Let me see that again..."

"You don't get enough homework."

"I don't get it. What's it mean??"

And my favorite so far...
"What kind of demented world do you live in?!?"

One of my friends even wrote a song called "The Toaster Oven is Your Solid Paper" ! !

*** Email me your comments and I'll put them on this page ! ! ***

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