Kellie Cooper-- Chapter 4

Kellie Cooper-- Chapter 4

    “I’m so warm, it feels so good…” I thought. I opened my eyes and I saw a muscular chest. I looked up at the face and it was Zack. He was already awake, when he realized I was awake, he looked down at me and smiled. Pulling myself up, I said, “I’m sorry, I must’ve fallen on you when I fell asleep!” I said.
    “It’s ok, really, actually, I liked it,” Zack smiled. I blushed a little still saying sorry a hundred times.
    I went into Devin’s room, where I found Devin on the computer. She heard the door close and looked around at me. “ So…anything happen?” Devin smiled.
    “Uh…nothing really…” I said. Devin raised her eyebrows. “Well…”
    “Out with it Kellie!” Devin demanded.
    “Fine, when I woke up this morning, my head was on Zack’s chest!” I stated sounding irritated.
    “What is so ‘Aw’ about it?” I said cutting off Devin.
    “Well, I think you and Zack make a cute couple!”
    “Zack and…I, we-we are just friends!” I said.
    “Do you really think so?” Devin questioned me.
    “Yeah,” I said simply.

    That afternoon, I went back home, to do some weekend homework. I said good-bye to Devin. “Devin, I’m gonna go home. I gotta do homework. But thanks for having me over!” I said. She walked over to me and gave me a hug. Slightly pulling out of the embrace I said, “Friends?”
    “Friends,” Devin came out of the hug smiling.
                                         Then, I said good-bye to Zack. “I gotta go, but, uh, thanks for having me over,” I said.
                                         “Ya know, I think you’re a great person, and a great friend,” Zack paused, “maybe even more than that,”                                    Zack muttered.
                                         “What? I didn’t hear you?” I asked.
                                         “Never mind,” Zack said. “The point is, well, I’m glad I met you.” He held out his arms, obviously wanting a                                    hug. So I hugged him. I put my arms around his neck.
                                         I whispered, “I’m glad I met you too.”
                                         I pulled out of the hug and I stared into the depths of his hazel eyes. “Well, um…” Zack trailed off. I looked                                    at him questioningly. He put his hands on my shoulders and he planted a kiss on my lips. I stood there totally                                    stunned, wondering what I should do.
                                         “Well, I have to leave,” I managed to say. I turned on my heel and headed back home. “What just                                    happened?” I asked myself as I walked down the sidewalk. I couldn’t stop thinking about what had                                    happened between Zack and me.
                                         I got home and started to work on some homework. I pulled out my started assignment for Mr. Alexander                                    and I started to write.
                                         As I finished my paper, my mom came into my room, “Hey hun, have you seen your father?” my mom asked                                    sounding a little worried.
                                         “No, why?” I replied.
                                         “Because it’s late and he still hasn’t come home from work.”
                                         “Okay, never mind. So did you have fun at Devin’s?”
                                         “Yeah, I had fun!” I said.