Kellie Cooper-- Chapter 5

Kellie Cooper-- Chapter 5

    I woke up the next morning to see the sun shining brightly through the blue shades in my room. I looked at the clock; it read 6:30. I sighed and gingerly got out of bed.
    Downstairs was very quiet. All I could hear was the ticking of the clock every single second, personally it was kind of scary, like something was ready to strike. However, I ignored it, and turned on the TV. I turned it low and made myself breakfast. I sat on my couch, while eating my cereal, and watching MTV. I checked my watch and was now 7 o’clock. It was a commercial so I turned off the TV and washed my dish. I shut off the water and stood by the sink for a second. Again, I heard the eerie ticking of the clock.
    All of a sudden, the phone rang. I jumped literally two feet in the air. I picked it up. “H-Hello?” There was no answer. “Hello? Is anyone there?” I hung up the phone, turned on my heel, and was about two steps into my stride, when the phone rang again. My brow furrowed. I picked up the phone once again. “Hello?” There was still no answer. There wasn’t even a dial tone. I started to shake. What was all this about?
    I decided to get ready for school since it was almost time to go. Halfway through the school day, something weird happened. I was at lunch with Devin and Zack sitting on either side of me. While talking to Zack about guitars, my cell phone rang. I looked at it with a weird expression. Picking it up, I said, “Hello?”
    In this deep, croaky voice, a man on the other end of the call said, “Meet me by the local park immediately after your school is out.”
    “Wait what?” I asked, very confused, but it was too late, the man on the other end hung up.
    “Who was that?” Devin inquired.
    “I-I-I don’t know,” I stammered.
    “What did they say?” Zack asked as he put his hand on my shoulder.
    “He told me to meet him at the park…” I trailed off.
                                         “Are you going to go?” Devin questioned me.
                                         “I don’t know,” I replied distantly.
                                         School was finally out. Zack, Devin, and I started to walk home. They parted at their street and I was left                                    alone to make my decision. Curiosity got the better of me, and I headed towards the park.
                                         Once I was at the park, I waited by some bushes. After about five minutes, I got tired of waiting, so started                                    to walk off. All of a sudden, a person pops up from the bushes, puts his hand over my mouth, drags me into the                                    bushes, and knocks me out.