Kellie Cooper-- Chapter 6

Kellie Cooper-- Chapter 6

    Where am I? I thought. I opened my eyes to see the sun shining in my face. I moved my head a little but stopped for I felt a bruise, a big bruise mind you, on my head. Putting my hand up to it, blood came dripping down my arm and hand.
    The sound of birds overhead somewhere made me look at my surroundings, I looked at the short, green grass in front of me, which got taller and taller as it became distant. To each side of me were varieties of short and tall trees. For the first time, I looked down at the rest of my body.
    On my stomach and ankles, several ropes wrapped and wound itself around the big fat tree and me. I started to panic and push against the binding. I stopped when I saw an unfamiliar man step out from the trees to the left of me.
    “Wh-Who are you?” I stuttered.
    “Sam Paul, if you have to know,” the unfamiliar man said harshly.
    “Why am I here?” I shook as I said it.
    “You will know in time, Miss Kellie,” Sam said wisely.
    “Again why am I here?”
    “Well, I didn’t find out until I got back from my trip in Paris, but when I did find out, oh, she was in serious trouble!” Sam laughed horribly.
    “What are you talking about?” I said sternly.
    Sam ignored me and continued, “Well, then I heard this ‘Cooper’ guy was actually moving up here to New York. I mean he was actually moving up here! That was my chance to get back at him for what he did to my beloved…I already straightened her out.” Again, he laughed horribly.
    Trying to be heard, I said to Sam, pretty loud, “What are you talking about?”
                                         Finally he heard me. “You mean you don’t know?” I shook my head but kept silent. “Your father and my                                    wife were…uh… ‘fooling around’,” There was at least a minutes silence. Everything Sam just was just now                                    making sense. The reason we had moved to New York was because of Sam Paul’s wife. I guess my dad                                    wanted to be closer to her…but…I always thought that my parents loved each other. The reason my parents                                    didn’t tell me why we moved was because of that. I’m sure my mom doesn’t know at all about this. I have to                                    tell her!
                                         I pulled against the ropes one more time. Sam laughed as my back hit the tree pretty hard. “Why are you                                    doing this?” I asked.
                                         “Why do you think? Do you think I’m going to let your father mess with my wife without me doing                                    something about it?” Sam spat at me.
                                         “Don’t you think that if your wife was doing this, there must be a reason!” I said.
                                         “She loves me, and I love her!” Sam shouted in a hurtful tone.
                                         “Dude, wake up! My dad and your wife did some things, yeah, doesn’t that prove that she doesn’t love                                    you as much as you think she does? And trust me, I’ve always thought my parents loved each other! So you                                    can see how this can come as a surprise to me just as much as you!” I said with, surprisingly enough,                                    confidence.
                                         “Shut UP!” Sam roared. He pulled out a gun and pointed it at me. “You don’t know what love is!”
                                         “Obviously you don’t either!” a person in a tree gap said suddenly.
                                         I turned my head a little. “Who are you?” Sam asked.
                                         “Zack,” Zack said as he smiled at me. He turned to Sam and said, “Let her go! You don’t have the right to                                    keep her here!”
                                         “And let her tell the whole world about what she heard, yeah right!” Sam put his finger on the trigger. I                                    closed my eyes tightly…I was going to die in front of Zack. It made me realize how much him and Devin, and,                                    well, life, meant to me.
                                         Instead of hearing a gunshot, I heard a heavy body fall to the ground. Opening my eyes, I saw Sam lying                                    on the ground in front of me, unconscious.
                                         Zack came over, untied me, and asked, “Are you okay?”
                                         I looked into Zack’s eyes. Zack was the one who saved me. He was the one who made me laugh and feel                                    like I was everything. “Zack, I love you!” I said. Tears started to form in my eyes.
                                         Zack was taken aback by my sudden statement. Finally, what I said sunk in. We hugged tightly. He cupped                                    his hand on my face and wiped my tears that were now streaming down my cheeks, with his hand. “Kellie,                                    don’t cry. I love you so much!” With that he kissed me so passionately on the lips, I didn’t want it to end.
                                         Zack pulled away and grabbed my hand. We headed through the forest and to my house. To my surprise, it                                    wasn’t that far away.
                                         I started to tell Zack what Sam had said. “He told me that his wife and my dad were fooling around…I just                                    can’t believe it. I mean Sam’s wife is the whole reason I moved to New York.”
                                         “Well, is moving to New York so bad?” Zack asked me.
                                         “No, not at all, “ I smiled at him, “It’s just, that’s the whole reason is because of that. It would be better if                                    there were another reason. Zack! What is my mom going to say?”
                                         “It’ll be fine, I promise!” Zack smiled.
                                         Stopping in front of my house, I said, “Wish me luck.”
                                         Zack laughed and kissed me on the cheek.