Author Author!-Page About...Duh! The Authors!

Konnichiwa! Or korbanwa, depending on when you're checking this out. ^_^; How is everyone? I hope you're doing good. This is the page I have dedicated to each and every author that has graced this little page with there presence...(Okay Derura that's enough sucking up..) Hehe... ^_^ Anyway! I only have a few authors on here for now, but hey! There'll be more...someday..>.>.

Derura Del-chan: The webmistress of this page and the mean one.(Hehe Della..I wrote two, you can fix this on your own. >.>) fic for it...Thank her for this site and grace her with an email! She's lonely! >.>

Ken(that's it, just...Ken.): Writer of that Mobile Suit Gundam W fic, the first one on that page. He's also the one who has scrounged up the images for the buttons and main picture of this site. Thank him for that once I get his email on here.

Michael Romano: Writer of the one yaoi fic on here, and Derura-chan's best friend! ^_^ Also he's written the FFVIII: Behind the Scenes story under the video game section. He's helping Derura(me >.>) find more images for this site and helping to beautify it..Too bad he barely knows HTML.(I'm learning, damn it! ~_~)

And...That's it! We need more authors for this place, and more authors means more fics! ^_^ If you want more fics on here you better help don't-cha know. Drop me a line if you wanna help!