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Dancing With Joy

I'm just an old woman, 
But last night I danced.
We whirled 'mongst the stars
And the moon was entranced.

We flew far away
Above trouble's sound,
He held me so tightly
My feet left the ground.

Oh, it had been ages,
So long since I danced
With heart full of magic,
My dream thus enhanced.

So long since I'd seen him.
He still looked the same.
Our lives had somehow parted.
And "Joy" was his name.

My dream was so real,
My heart touched the sky
With brilliance of angels,
Their wings lofting high.

The dance sadly ended,
It should have been years.
We clung just a moment,
I whispered through tears,

"I don't know when
I'll see you again,
But do come back soon--
We'll dance on the moon."

He faded away then.
I woke from my dream
And looked out my window
Upon a moonbeam. 

Poetry by Dorothy Acton

My Heartfelt Thanks to Dorothy
for permission to use her beautiful poem !!!

Click Here to visit her site!



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