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Our Declaration of War

Government Miscellaneous Keywords: BUSH IS GOD
Published: 09/21/2001 Author: me
Posted on 09/21/2001 07:5543 PDT by BushLover

Did anyone else have a religious experience last night when Bush gave that awesome speech to Congress last night? I saw the image of Jesus in the coffee stain on Sean Hannity's tie when they were giving Bush the praise he was justly due. I had two orgasms during the speech, and my husband usually complains about how frigid I am. Go Dubya!!!

Did anyone else cry during the speech? I cry whenever Bush talks nowadays. I cry whenever I turn onto my street (I live on "W. Elm", which starts with 'W', and even that brings on tears of patriotism).

I told you we had to give Bush a chance, and not just assume the war is lost if we don't win it in the first month. We also have to give Bush a chance with the new anti-terrorist laws. If an abuse of these new laws doesn't happen in the first month or so, it clearly never will.

And you know what? I don't care if these laws are abused. Some liberaltoonians complain about my support for the war since I'm a woman and will not have to go, fight, and die. I'd be demanding that others die for me. I look at possibly being wrongly arrested and executed without trial as my way of sacrificing my life for my country. If we can draft people (as we should) to get shot by some raghead, we can certainly drag them out of their beds at 2am to get shot by the FBI. If we can draft people into boot camp, we can "draft" them into internment camps. If I was shot by the FBI, I'd die happy knowing I'm helping my government kill my enemies; its the only way we can be safe.


We need to be safe. I'm afraid to fly without being strip searched. I'm afraid every raghead in God's creation has a nuke. I'm afraid a terrorist will poison the water supply. I'm afraid the guy sitting next to me at the DMV is a suicide bomber. I'm afraid poison gas will be released in my office building. I'm afraid an Arab will bomb a nuke plant or oil refinery. I live in fear. I can't sleep at night. I cry constantly. That's why we need this war, to defend ME!! Anyone who disagrees with me and won't die to protect me is a worthless coward who is unfit to share AMERICA'S freedom. We need to fight RIGHT NOW!!! We need to invade RIGHT NOW!!! WE CANNOT WAIT!!!!!!!!! Because of what Iraq can do to us RIGHT NOW!!!! It will be a short, quick war because Iraq can't do squat against us right now. Who cares what the UN says about Iraq not having the bomb, there's no way to tell what they have hidden. Saddam could have bombs hidden anywhere - WE CANNOT KNOW what he has. Besides WE KNOW he has the bomb. You cannot prove he doesn't have the bomb since you cannot prove a negative. You can only disprove the case for this war by proving a negative (that Saddam isn't a threat and/or doesn't have the bomb). Therefore, the case for this war cannot be disproven no matter what facts you bring up, SO WE MUST HAVE THIS WAR!!!!!!!! We must have this war because we cannot risk what might happen if we don't. This is nothing, _nothing_, NOTHING like when Algore says the government must fight "global warming" because cannot risk what just might possibly happen if we don't let the government do that. "Why take that chance?" is only valid when _WE_ say it.

And if Dubya or Rumsie is stretching the truth about Iraq a bit to drum up support for OUR WAR, that's just fine by me. I don't mind being lied to by honest men like them.

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To: BushLover

This is a religious war, my friend. We need to back Israel against the heathen Muslims with everything we got. Read Hal Lindsey sometime; this nation will be judged by how we treat God's Chosen People. No nation on Earth is more important than Israel, and we need to crush all enemies, foreign or domestic, who don't understand that.

We particularly need to go after those selfish, unpatriotic, peacenik domestic enemies that don't back Bush 1000%. They don't understand that its no longer Sep 10, 2001. We are at war for our very survival. No nation on Earth is more important than the United States of America, and we need to crush all enemies, foreign or domestic, who don't understand that.

These Godless heathen Muslims have reject the Prince of Peace, and so must be killed.

2 Posted on 09/21/2001 07:55:43 PDT by JesusWantsThisWar
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To: JesusWantsThisWar

We particularly need to go after those selfish, unpatriotic peacenik domestic enemies that don't back Bush 1000%

Damn straight. This was an attack on the freedoms that made this country a shining city on a hill, and I don't care how many of those freedoms I have to give up to win this war. They hate us for supporting Israel, and they hate us for being free. If we give up supporting Israel, then the terrorists will have won. We must NEVER do that. However, if we give up being free, then the terrorists will have lost, because the government will use the powers we traded our freedoms for to CRUSH THEM INTO THE DIRT!!!!! So we must give up the freedoms the terrorists hate us for having, or they will have won.

Once we've taken care of the Taliban, we need to defend our freedom by arresting everyone who spoke out against the war effort. The antigovernment crowd needs to read Romans and understand that only the evil-doer needs to fear the government, and that all authority is instituted by God (unless its the government of Iraq, Afghanistan, Iran, Syria, Libya, Algeria, or Massachusetts, which we need to overthrow).

This wasn't just murder, it was an insult to our government that some are using to question its legitimacy. Our government must show its legitimacy once and for all by killing everyone and everything associated with the attacks. People must know they can and should depend on the government for protection, and we need a war to prove that. We must restore faith in our own government no matter how many foreigners we have to kill to do it.

The terrorists have made every one of us a combatant, military or civilian. Therefore, we should all be treated like we have been drafted, and stop wasting our time worrying about petty constitutional niceties. As we're all military now, we will all need military discipline imposed by our Leader, George W. Bush.

We need the draft. Not only will it give us the manpower we need to fight this war, but it will instill the proper attitude in our citizens. Once we strip the peacenuts of their constitutional rights for a couple of years, we can have an Army drill instructor force them to talk like me, act like me, and think like me. They won't just serve us for a couple of years after that. After being given the right attitude, they will serve us for life (even if they leave the military). That's what freedom is all about.

We need the draft, and we need so-called "constitutional" restrictions on the police lifted. Those restrictions are in place just to stop the liberals, who think that the rules don't apply to them. Those restrictions don't apply to patriots.

We need the draft, because it is worth our lives to defend our freedoms (and I don't give a rat's ass about the freedom of unpatriotic losers), and we have to give up those freedoms to the police in order to defend our lives. I may have believed "Better Dead than Red", but Bush ain't no commie, so I don't mind losing freedoms to HIM. We must give up our freedoms, because our freedoms are at stake.

We need the draft because we are fighting a foe that does not recognize the difference between combatants and civilians. The Taliban has treated our civilians like combatants. We must have a draft, therefore, to protect our civilians by forcing them to become combatants in Afghanistan. We need to protect civilian lives by sending ex-civilian draftees to die in Afghanistan - if we don't prove we're willing to take casualties, then others will continue to attack us.

People who oppose the draft are slackers who aren't willing to pay for freedom. We cannot afford to pay high enough military salaries to get the people we need to fight voluntarily - I'm not willing to pay those taxes. Taxes are high enough as it is because of those damn liberals who think we owe every penny we have to the government. They claim we couldn't make a dime without Washington DC making it possible; without government we'd have nothing, so we owe them everything. They say there "are other kinds of freedoms" that come from being protected by the government. That's bullshit.

We are, however, absolutely entitled to draft Gen-X slackers because they owe their freedoms to those of us who have served in the military. If I hadn't spent 20 years pushing papers for the Navy to get my pension, we'd all be communists right now. We have every right to demand even their lives because of what I've done for them. They'd be slaves without us, so they owe us everything. They need to understand that there are other kinds of freedoms, like being protected by the government from the fear of having a plane crash into your office.

People who oppose the draft are cowards who want others to do the fighting and dying for them. Besides, the Bush administration has been intelligent enough to make the Afghan Northern Alliance do our fighting and dying for us. Go Bush!!

We cannot accept surrender of Taliban troops. They are murderers and do not deserve POW status. We cannot accept any claim that they were forced by their government to fight and are therefore innocent. Our draftees need to understand that nobody forces you to fight in a war, so all Taliban are guilty and should be shot.

My sons are going into the military right after I'm done homeschooling them. Homeschool is just as important as military service - I don't want some government school instuctor telling my kids how to talk, act, and think.

I'm sick and tired of people asking how many American soldiers will die in this war. Anyone who thinks we cannot accept one dead American in fighting this war is a worthless coward and not a Real Man like me. The possibility of thousands of Americans being killed by terrorists justifies this war; the possibility of thousands of Americans being killed by fighting the war only matters to peacenik losers.

3 Posted on 09/21/2001 07:59:42 PDT by HitleryIsUgly
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To: JesusWantsThisWar

and we need to crush all enemies, foreign or domestic, who don't understand that

This crisis is a judgement by God on our country for allowing innocent children to be killed by abortionists. Nevertheless, this is a war we have to fight to win. We should nuke terrorist countries into parking lots, and I don't care how many so-called innocent children get killed over there when we do that.

I just wish people would understand why those who oppose US foreign policy are at one with the violent, murdering terrorists because they share the same foreign policy goals as the terrorists, but my fellow pro-life Christans Republicans are not at one with the violent idiots who bomb abortion clinics or shoot abortion doctors. Just because we share the same domestic policy goals as clinic bombers does not mean that I am at one with people who use violence to stop abortion. Those doctors deserved what they got, but I totally disagree with any use of violence my my slightly misguided political allies.

The terrorists condemn our society for polluting the world with our decadent porn and promiscuity and for meddling in foreign affairs that are none of our business. The peaceniks condemn our society for meddling in foreign affairs that our none of our business. Therefore, the peaceniks agree with the terrorists about our society and are therefore at one with the terrorists.

The peaceniks and libertarians also fail to condemn, like we do, our society for polluting the world with decadent porn and promiscuity, and don't recognize, like we do, how wrong that is. Therefore, our enemies are both decadent and at one with the terrorists, because they agree and disagree with them.

The libertoids also don't understand the difference between our blaming the feds for domestic problems like high abortion and divorce rates, which is blaming the government, and their blaiming the feds for setting us up for terrorist attacks with a meddling foreign policy, which is blaming AMERICA. When we complain about government action, we condemn politicians. When they complain about government action, they condem THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA.

Our condemnation of liberal social policy proves we are good, patriotic Americans and therefore have the right to disagree with the government. They do not have that right because they are evil, and the fact that they try to exercise that right simply proves they are evil. Our exercising that right proves we are good.

Did you hear Bush quoting the Psalms the other day? It was so great to know that millions of Americans who could go to church on Sunday if they actually felt like it finally heard Scripture. That alone makes this war worthwhile, no matter how many Muslims will die during the fighting without ever hearing the Gospel. Yea, Christianity will always be associated with the cluster bombs we will drop, but if it gets more Americans to visit a church once in awhile, its all worth it.

This won't be a free country until everyone has become an Evangelical Christian. I'm free when I can practice my religion and live my life as I see fit, so others are free when they practice my religion and live their lives as I see fit.

4 Posted on 09/21/2001 09:05:18 PDT by BushLover
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To: BushLover

Did you see the Hildabeast last night? She looked particularly ugly!!

5 Posted on 09/21/2001 09:07:18 PDT by HitleryIsUgly
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To: JesusWantsThisWar

We particularly need to go after those selfish, unpatriotic peacenik domestic enemies that don't back Bush 1000%

I overheard someone at McDonald's who was not 100000% behind Bush at lunch yesterday. I marched right over there and demanded he be at one with our unity. It took some persuading, and I may have broken his nose, but he is with us now.

Like our fellow Republican Clayton Williams told Ann Richards, if the nation wants to be unified with you, you should just close your eyes, lie back, and enjoy it.

Father, I thank you for using me as an instrument of your justice against the infidels at lunch yesterday. You demand submission, and I thank you for using me to make that peacenik idiot submit to your Truth, that the Arab must die, that Israel must conquer, and the United States be free of fornicators. Thank you for the wisdom to know when I should submit, and when I should make others submit.

As your Word says, it is better to be thrown into the river with a millstone tied around your neck than to lead people astray from Jesus Christ, who reveals himself to Republican politicians, but not RINOS, and those who fight, physically if need be, for them. Thank you for using my fist to silence that spawn of Satan. Please show us your love by smiting Bill Mahar, Lew Rockwell, and anyone who has ever written an article for AntiWar.com, and torturing them with eternal hellfire. Please give them the priviledge of losing loved ones in the next attack, to bring them closer to You. Amen.

6 Posted on 09/21/2001 09:10:10 PDT by NonGOPMustDie
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To: HitleryIsUgly

Did you see the Hildabeast last night? She looked particularly ugly!!


7 Posted on 09/21/2001 09:12:33 PDT by BushLover
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To: All

I saw a magazine in the back of a local QuickieMart called "Bush". I had assumed that the plain brown wrapper was there to prevent the fair sex from swooning over the picture of THE President on the cover. I won't even discuss the filth that was actually in the magazine.

I went straight up to the counter to complain, and the Ayrab working there made some nonsense claim that selling that trash was legal. He even denied being an Ayrab. He claimed to be an Indian, but my grandmother was half Cherokee, so I knew better.

8 Posted on 09/21/2001 09:15:47 PDT by KillKillKill
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To: All

LETS ROLL!!!!!!!

9 Posted on 09/21/2001 09:20:11 PDT by LetsRoll

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To: All

LETS ROLL!!!!!!!

10 Posted on 09/21/2001 09:20:11 PDT by LetsRoll

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To: All

LETS ROLL!!!!!!!

11 Posted on 09/21/2001 09:20:11 PDT by LetsRoll

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To: All

LETS ROLL!!!!!!!

12 Posted on 09/21/2001 09:20:11 PDT by LetsRoll

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To: All

LETS ROLL!!!!!!!

13 Posted on 09/21/2001 09:20:11 PDT by LetsRoll

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To: All

LETS ROLL!!!!!!!

14 Posted on 09/21/2001 09:20:11 PDT by LetsRoll

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To: All

LETS ROLL!!!!!!!

15 Posted on 09/21/2001 09:20:11 PDT by LetsRoll

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To: All

LETS ROLL!!!!!!!

16 Posted on 09/21/2001 09:20:11 PDT by LetsRoll

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To: All

LETS ROLL!!!!!!!

17 Posted on 09/21/2001 09:20:11 PDT by LetsRoll

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To: All

LETS ROLL!!!!!!!

18 Posted on 09/21/2001 09:20:11 PDT by LetsRoll

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To: BushLover

I masturbated during the speech and it was the best sex I ever had.

19 Posted on 09/21/2001 09:20:52 PDT by StickyFingers

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To: BushLover

Did you see the Hildabeast last night? She looked particularly ugly!!


She will never be elected President now!! And, everyone has been shown what a Clymer KKKlintoon was when he left us exposed to this!!! Thank God for this war!!!! I just hope we can keep the leftist peacenik and government hating crowd from cynically using this crisis for their own political ends so we can finally get our country back!!!!! This war will purify us, toughen us, and make the US like it was when Ike was President. Our nation will be purified by the Blood of the Lamb and the blood of the innocents killed in the Trade Center.

Go Bush GO!!! Go Bush GO!!! WOO-HOO!!!!!!!!!! Now everyone has to agree with us and think he's great or be slammed as a traitor. Our team WINS!!!!

20 Posted on 09/21/2001 09:23:00 PDT by RhymesWithWitch
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To: StickyFingers

I masturbated during the speech and it was the best sex I ever had.

I went down to the local police station and demanded a body cavity search. You never know what some Muslim has hidden there in your sleep. I tingled (with patriotism, of course) as he slapped the handcuffs on me when I said I might have a bomb. I cried tears of joy as the manly sergeant thrust his probe in me. He was truly one of our city's finest. I'm happy knowing that any would-be terrorist would be dominated by our cops like I was dominated that night.

And, just to protest against the anti-tobacco nannies, I had a cigarette afterward.

JesusWantsThisWar is right, though. This war is God's judgement against our country for letting homosexuality and other sexual perversion run rampant.

21 Posted on 09/21/2001 09:25:12 PDT by RealHeMan

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To: RealHeMan

Where is the picture of Ann Coulter straddling a howitzer and showing us some leg?

22 Posted on 09/21/2001 09:38:29 PDT by KillKillKill

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To: All

LETS ROLL!!!!!!!

23 Posted on 09/21/2001 09:40:11 PDT by LetsRoll

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To: All, Jack Roberson

Don't forget the 4th quarter FearAThon to raise money for FearForTheRepublic.com. Remember, this is your site, and we cannot keep it up and running without you. You make this site what it is. We need you.

We also need you to stop posting articles expressing mistrust of government during the war, or we will ban you from this site forever. Remember, this site is Jack Robertson's and is his alone. He set it up, he owns the equipment, and he keeps it running. Without him, we are nothing. Say anything he doesn't like, and it is his absolute right to toss you off his site. Remember, you are nothing but a guest.

The Bible clearly says to submit to authority, and since Jack is the authority around here, think of him as God. Obeying Jack is the Very Will of God. Why do you think we copy and paste his every utterance into every thread? His is the Word of the Lord, and we are but his servants. We are nothing but the stink on the great man's ass.

I don't care what Jack does with the money we donate. Demands to know how he spends donations are a VOILATION OF JACK'S PRIVACY. If the people giving money don't want to publish their financial records for all of us to see, then the people demanding money don't have to either. If you value YOUR privacy, then you are morally obligated to trust Jack with your money. Clintoon claimed Monica-gate was his private business, and freeloaders to this website claim that their finances are their private business, therefore, freeloaders are as bad as Clintoon. FearForTheRepublic 's finances are, however, JACK'S PRIVATE BUSINESS.

Anyone disagreeing with this is an enemy of this website, just like the LA Post and Washington Chronicle, who are suing us for copying articles. This is a free speech issue, and Jack's free speech rights trump their claims of so-called property rights to decide how people use their websites. Enemies of this site will be banned forever. Don't give me any of your "free speech" crap because of that. Jack has an absolute property right to decide how people use HIS website, which trumps any so-called free speech of yours.

So don't forget to give generously to keep your FearForTheRepublic.com website going strong. We're all in this together.

24 Posted on 09/21/2001 09:45:32 PDT by CoughItUp

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To: All

LETS ROLL!!!!!!!

25 Posted on 09/21/2001 09:45:55 PDT by LetsRoll

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To: All

LETS ROLL!!!!!!!

26 Posted on 09/21/2001 09:45:55 PDT by LetsRoll

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To: BushLover

Font fix.

I don't want to hear any crybaby BS about secret evidence and secret trials for those the government deems to be terrorists. I trust Bush. If another Clintoon comes along and abuses the secret powers we gave Presidents, THEN AND ONLY THEN will I fight against it. When the government tells me it is abusing its power in secret without telling anyone, then I will admit there is a problem. Anyone else telling me that is a K-O-O-K!!

We must fight this war. We must win this war. No price is too high. I'd be the first to volunteer to go die in the mud in Afghanistan, but since I'm a highly educated management professional, I can clearly do more for the war effort here at my keyboard. I can generate wealth, write encouraging posts, keep my company lean and mean by rightsizing unnecessary workers, and keep the economy moving by purchasing lots of expensive consumer goods. I'll stay here and engage in creative capitalist destruction; lets make the immigrants do the fighting to prove their loyalty!!

We wouldn't even be in this mess if it weren't for that draft-dodging coward we elected in '92. If we had a President with the guts to face an enemy soldier during the past eight years, we would be safe today. x42 was such a coward. I know I wish I could go fight.

27 Posted on 09/21/2001 09:46:21 PDT by HighlyPaidProfessional

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To: HighlyPaidProfessional

Lets make the immigrants do the fighting to prove their loyalty

And we must have racial profiling. We cannot be too careful. We should have "Wild Kingdom" radio collar tracking tags placed on anyone with an accent. The Mexican busboy I undertipped, to show my solidarity with those killed in the WTC, looked at me the wrong way and must be deported. He may be a busboy AND a pilot. Lets stock the Rio Grande with piranha. We need an immigrant-only national ID card. This will not be needed by citizens. When the police ask citizens like us for our cards, we can just say we don't need them. When a terrorist sleeper admits to being a foreigner to any cop that asks him, he will be forced to show an ID.

The only way to deal with these Saudi terrorists is to bomb the crap out of Afghan civilians and deport Mexican immigrants. Anyone with skin darker than mine can't be trusted in troubled times such as these.

28 Posted on 09/21/2001 09:46:51 PDT by EdgarWinter

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To: CoughItUp

stop posting articles expressing mistrust of government, or we will ban you from this site forever.

Damn straight, CoughItUp. I'm sick and tired of people trying to divide us with their immoral and obscene viewpoints. We should all be of one mind, and THAT MIND SHOULD BE DUBYA'S. Their petty SQUABBLING about their rights just MAKES me hate them, thus showing how DIVISIVE they are being. They STILL think it is 9/10/01, which ONLY proves I'M RIGHT. What makes me MOST MAD is that some of these people have only been on FFR for a month or less, and I'VE BEEN HERE FOR TWO ENTIRE MONTHS. These newbies should shut the HELL Up!!!

I'm right, they're wrong, and they should stop trying to BREAK OUR UNITY by their INSIGNIFICANT words against ME AND DUBYA. I know what's IMPORTANT, even if they don't. I know it is past 9/11/01, when EVERYTHING changed. I know what TIME it is. I KNOW WHAT DAY IT IS. I know what MONTH it is. I know what YEAR it is. I know we started a NEW century in 2001 and not in 2000. I KNOW TODAY IS FRIDAY. I know its 73 degrees outside AND raining, but it was a WARM and perfect day on 9/11. I know the TOWERS were 110 stories EACH, with is just 11 (the day) times 10. I know what the ELEVENTH (E-L-E-V-E-N-T-H, understand?) chapter of the BOOK OF DANIEL says about this. I've READ scripture. I know that the NY Jets (the "JETS", of NEW YORK, GETIT FOOL!!) didn't play the weekend after the attacks. DON'T TELL ME I DON'T KNOW THE SCORE.

Everything has changed, SO SHUT UP!!!!! The opinions of others, whatever they may be, are NOTHING compared to what I realized that Tuesday, when I GLIMPSED true truth.

We NEED secret military tribunals for terrorists. THEY DON'T DESERVE RIGHTS, SINCE THEY ADMIT TO BEING TERRORISTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! If they don't admit to being terrorists, then using torture is acceptable to me. If you're not a citizen you have no rights. None at all. If you ever do something stupid like go to Europe, you deserve to have the British or French police SHOOT YOU DOWN IN THE STREET EVEN IF WE WOULD BOMB THEM INTO THE STONE AGE IN RETALIATION FOR KILLING AN AMERICAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We MUST protect ourselves from all the LIBERALterians who oppose the war because they just want to SMOKE POT AND VISIT HOOKERS. See! Every thread about them eventually comes to drugs. That's ALL they care about. My being FORCED to bring up pot proves they can't talk about anything else.

29 Posted on 09/21/2001 09:55:01 PDT by UnityByMindlessConformity

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To: All

LETS ROLL!!!!!!!

30 Posted on 09/21/2001 10:01:31 PDT by LetsRoll

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To: All

LETS ROLL!!!!!!!

31 Posted on 09/21/2001 10:01:31 PDT by LetsRoll

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To: UnityByMindlessConformity

Our President said that you are either for us or against us. THAT'S JUST WHAT JESUS SAID!!! Do we truly have a man of God in the White House or what?

We need to stop this moral-equivalency BS that's floating around between bombing NYC and Belgrade. Lincoln was our greatest President (and a Republican!!!). Unlike that guy in Serbia, Abe had every right to use whatever violence against any civilian necessary to keep HIS UNION from breaking apart AND to end slavery. Honest Abe died for people's right not to be forced to work for others against their will in this Land of the FRee, so we must draft people to fight, against their will if necessary, to defend that.

We were justified in bombing Belgrade civilians (like those in Dresden and Hiroshima) because the Serb people are responsible for their government. Our country is morally better than Serbia because we have free elections, and so our government is us and we are the government. It is therefore immoral to bomb American civilians because you consider the American people responsible for the actions of the American government in a way that subjects of an unelected Arab government aren't. We need to kill all of our enemies, even the civilians, because the terrorists showed how evil they are when they killed civilians.

And let me explain it simply enough that even a peacenik libertoon can understand. Our bombing Belgrade was different than Bin Laden's bombing NYC, because we are better than them. We can bomb cities and kill thousands because we don't go around bombing cities and killing thousands!!! These damn pinko moral relativists don't understand that this is an issue of absolute morality. It is absolutely moral for us to kill enemy civilians, but absolutely immoral for them to do so. Since we fight for moral absolutes, the normal laws of morality do not apply to us.

Got it? Good

32 Posted on 09/21/2001 10:01:31 PDT by BedWetter

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To: BedWetter

Font fix.

Disinformation will be a major weapon in this war. We need to distrust what we hear, and trust the Bush Administration. I'm sure Dubya's recent embrace of Islam is just for show - Laura Bush wearing that veil on 20/20 was just to make our Muslim allies feel better about supporting us. And I'd bet the only reason he sent Jenna and Barbara to Kabul to be Bin Ladin's concubines is just so we will know where to find him. When we find out the entire story, we will know how clever it was for Powell to turn the USS Kitty Hawk over to Iraq and sell neutron bombs to Syria. You just have to trust them.

I may not have completely trusted the government before the 11th, but the terrorists have convinced me to trust our government now, even if the attacks occurred after serious government intelligence failures. I can live with not having anyone in our own government held accountable for what happened, but by God we have to kill any foreigner involved in any way whatsoever.

I don't care if the latest restictions on our freedom would not have stopped the 9/11 attacks; I support them anyway. I trust the government BECAUSE they are DOING SOMETHING, even if it costs me my so-called constitutional rights. What burns me up is that Ron Paul opposed the PATRIOT ACT because they never gave a copy of the bill for Congressmen to read before voting on it. If nobody knows what's in the bill, Mr. Paul, what f--king business do you have opposing it? Its called the PATRIOT ACT; that's all I need to know.

I don't care if Congress has not actually declared war. I'd rather trust than think.

We must keep troops in the mid east, because the terrorists want them out. We must always do the exact opposite of what the terrorists demand, otherwise, our actions will be dictated by the terrorists.

I'm just glad we have a PRESIDENT we can trust now that the government is restricting our so-called 'freedoms'. I would have never accepted BillyBoy KKKlinton and Jackboot Janet Reno having all these new police powers. I just wish the administration previous to Dubya's hadn't been so asleep at the switch. If they had demanded and gotten the new police powers that the government must have to combat terrorism, we would have been able to stop the hijackers, but they didn't and thousands of Americans are dead. Damn them!!!!

We must invade Iraq because of the Anthrax attacks. We must also stop this nit-picking investigation of government scientists just because it looks like the Anthrax was domestic, because we need to trust the government, and be behind them 100%, while they attack Iraq because of the Anthrax.

33 Posted on 09/21/2001 10:05:53 PDT by HighlyPaidProfessional

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