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About The Author


Well for those of you who do not know me, my name is Jordan Sheffer, and I am a 17 year High School student who lives in Cincinnati, Ohio. My mystical adventures first started at the age of 14 when I met a person by the name of Tim, who introduced me to Wicca; but to add more on this the person who truley brought me to the craft was my mentor, Davron whom makes an interesting story in itself. When I was 12 I was moveing out of the state of New York because my parents were unhappy there and they wished to move to Ohio. Well my mentor whom was a friend of mine at that time gave me a gift, which is my first magickal item. That gift was a set of Shaman Stones. That very set of stones is what set me off down the metaphysical path(Keep in mind at the time I had No Idea whatsoever what Wicca was or that he was even of the Craft). Anyway, I started by finding out what the Shaman Stones were, and eventualy I was reading books on Spirituality. When I met my friend Tim in the 9th grade he showed me what Wicca was and I soon knew it was for me! Sadly though, I had to move away from that place I lived(Which was in Lancaster Ohio btw) and I moved to Cincinnati. Now here in Cincinnati there isn't really that many Wiccans that I know of, so it was much harder to maintain my studies of Wicca, something that led me to online groups for the knowledge I craved. And now, being my twelth grade year I was in a chat room, where I met a person by the name of Serenity who gave me a link to a place called Witch School. Instantly I knew it was for me, and as quickly as possible I signed up. There are people here, called mentor's who help you with your studies, and even though I could have chosen any of them I felt I had to wait. Well that wait paid off cause about three days after joining witchschool I was in their chat room when guess who I ran into, my old friend Davron from New York!. So now he is my mentor and I am studying first degree at the school.