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The path of the cross

The path of the cross was brutal with beatings, thorns and disgrace,
Crowned with thorns, His blood running down His face,
Carrying His cross on His shoulders, up Calvary's path He trod,
In shame and humiliation and then, forsaken by God.

The Path to the Cross was victorious because Sin was crucified too,
And Jesus defeated death and Hell, then arose from the grave - for you.
Dying, He paid your penalty, the price for sin and death,
And arose from the grave in victory, giving you new life and breath.

The path to the Cross is an easy one, you just kneel and shed your sin,
Giving your heart to Jesus, inviting Him to come in.
Arising to new horizons, vision never more dim,
A soul now free from bondage, a new life to live for Him!


The path from the cross is rocky and it reaches to eternity,
Precipitous and narrow it grows, and sometimes seems to be
Leading to a dead-end wall with no way to get out
A pit of deep despair ahead that clouds your mind with doubt.

The path from the cross is lonely but there IS no other way
To hear the voice of Calvary as it speaks to you each day.
See the Lord of Life suspended between the heavens and earth,
His blood poured out before you to give your life new worth.

The path from the cross is precious when you know the Lord of love
Descended from the throne He shared with God above,
And stepped down to destiny, to meet, and take the blame
For your path to the cross that was filled with sin and shame.

The path from the cross is empty of sin and hate and fear
But full of love and joy when the Lord of life is near.
It is also full of pitfalls along this narrow way
To keep you ever mindful of your need for Him each day.

The Path from the cross is fearful but Master, please hold my hand
As I take one step at a time through this dangerous land.
Then, the path from the cross is joyful, whatever may befall,
For we know whatever happens, HE Is Lord of all.

For, Jesus is in complete control of every trial, every day,
And will, therefore, lead you safely every step of the way.

By F.W. (Lucky) Hope

Inspirational Poetery by Lucky Hope