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How To Know Your Soul-Mate

(Ladies: Substitute applicable pronouns)

If you are delighted by just the touch of her hand,
If you can discuss problems and know she'll understand,
If it only takes her glance to set your heart aflame,

If you know another's kiss will never be the same,
If her kisses make you feel your whole body is afire,

YOU have found a love to which all lovers would aspire.

If you know she really loves you, and you know she always will,
If you're sure no other person can give you the same thrill,
If each time you see her you feel your heart go "thump",
If you'd be happy to live with her in the city dump,
If she's gentle and patient, and tries to understand,
and you yearn each day for just the touch of her hand,
If thinking of her makes your blood run fast and your ears to buzz,
Grab her and marry her quick, before someone else does!

(You can't hardly get them kind no more)

By F. W. (Lucky) Hope

Humerous Poetry by Lucky Hope