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God's Best Gift

Shrine Visiors,this is a little poem that I recently read and fell in love with.I just had to put it on my site to share with everyone.

*~*~*Why is there only one small picture of me in here?This IS MY SHRINE!!!!*~*~*

I thought you were too busy looking at yourself in the mirror to notice anything or ANYONE else.


I see that put HIM in HIS place.I don't know why I put up with your vanity Hotohori.Then again with love nothing really makes too much sense now does it?

*~*~*I guess it doesn't*big smile*My love you provide yet another valid point.*~*~*

Oh no you don't Hotohori,not this time,you're not getting off that easy!You'll be sleeping alone tonight! You were rude to our visitors.

*~*~* *gives me a sad lil puppy dog face* *~*~*

Oh I hate it when he does that....Okay you win,I'll forgive you this time....and so on and so on....*big goofy smile*

God's Best Gift

By:Lucy Larcom(1824-1893)

What is the best a friend can be

To any soul,to you or me?

Not only shelter,comfort,rest,

Inmost refreshment unexpressed;

Not only a beloved guide

To thread life's labyrinth at our side,

Or with love's torch lead on before;

Though these be much,there yet is more.

The best friend is an atmosphere

Warm with all inspirations dear,

Wherein we breathe the large,free breath

Of life that has no taint of death.

Our friend is an unconscious part

Of every true beat of our heart;

A strength,a growth,whence we derive

God's health,that keeps the world alive.

The best friend is horizon,too,

Lifting unseen things into view,

And widening every pretty claim

Till lost in some sublimer aim;

Blending all barriers in the great

Infinities that round us wait.

Friendship is an eternity

Where soul with soul walks,heavenly free.

Can friend lose friend?Beleve it not!

The tissue wherof life is wrought,

Weaving the seperate into one,

Nor end hath,nor beginning;spun

From subtle threads of destiny,

Finer than thought of man can see.

God takes not back his gifts divine;

While thy soul lives,thy friend is thine.

If but one friend crossed thy way,

Once only,in thy mortal day;

If only once life's best surprise

Has opened on thy human eyes,

Ingrate thou wert,indeed if thou

Didst not in that rare presence bow,

And on Earth's holy ground unshod,

Speak softlier the dear name of God.

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