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ABC's of Abuse

A is for the anger
B is for the bruise
C is for the cuts
From the fights she'd always lose

D is for the drinking
E is for the end
F is for the fighting
When they weren't around their friends

G is for the games
H is for the hate
I is for the individual
Who came home in a drunken state

J is for the "joking"
K is for their kid
L is for the lying
The truth he often hid

M is for the mayhem
N is for the names
O is for the obituaries
Where her name would soon be placed

P is for the pain
Q is for the quarrels
R is for the rage
That showed he had no morals

S is for the scarring
T is for the tears
U is for the ugliness
She's been put through all of these years

V is for the vandolism
W is for the welt
X is for the x-ray
Showing the markings from his belt

Y is for the yelling
That he often did to her
Z is for the zillion times
That she'll let this crap recur

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