Fadel K Jabr

The Glowing Bird

On his throne inlayed with moaning

Sits the king of pain

He has issued his order

For everything to run incorrectly.


According to his will,

Rivers flowed with mud

Trees bore rocks for fruit

Moons shined only for thieves

Secrets produced scandals

Beasts rode on the backs of people.


This and much more happened

To the four sons of man

Until water became brackish

Air spoiled

And ways were cut off.


The wise man of the land said:

You must have the glowing bird

For by the flittering of its wings

The throne of pain collapses.


The eastern son said

To his father, the man:

From my mother’s house

The sun rises everyday

And at my mother’s house

It takes its bath and beauty

Give me, then, your blessings, Father

To accompany my destiny

In search of the glowing bird.


The western son said

To his father, the man:

In my mother’s house

The sun seeks shelter

Having been weakened by tiredness

And at my mother’s house

It sleeps and dreams

Give me, then, your blessings, Father

To accompany my destiny

In search of the glowing bird.


The northern son said

To his father, the man

My mother whose beauty you love

So you built for her

A palace in the heights

Of the snow’s whiteness

And in it the sun seeks shelter

When exhausted of cooking the daylight

Give me, then, your blessings, Father

To accompany my destiny

In search of the glowing bird.


The southern son said

To his father, the man:

My mother whose house is the sea

And her maids are the waves

And with my mother’s mirror

The sun takes its beauty

Give me, then, your blessings, Father

To accompany my destiny

In search of the glowing bird.


The man permitted his four sons,

And to each gave his blessings,

To accompany their destinies

In search of the glowing bird.


So the eastern son headed west

And the western son headed east

The northern son headed south

And the southern son headed north.


The sky was gazing with astonishment

The king of pain was boiling with fury

The man was anguishing from waiting

The man’s women were feuding.


The eastern woman of the man said:

I won’t unbind the sun’s braids

And won’t delouse her hair

If the glowing bird is not

My son’s fortune.


The western woman of the man said:

I will never change the sun’s bed

And never perfume her bedchamber

If the glowing bird is not

My son’s fortune.


The northern woman of the man said:

I will never prepare the sun’s sleigh

And never sweep the snow out of her path

If the glowing bird is not

My son’s fortune.


The southern woman of the man said:

I will never prepare mirrors for the sun

And never wipe the clouds of her path

If the glowing bird is not

My son’s fortune.


In the middle of the way

The man’s four sons met

And introduced themselves


To man.


The eastern son said:

I am the son of the man

And my mother is the mistress of the earth

And with me is my destiny

To search for the glowing bird.

So, who are you?

And what are you seeking?


The western son said:

I am the son of the man

And my mother is the mistress of the earth

And with me is my destiny

To search for the glowing bird.


The eastern son said:

My father the man has nothing

But his eastern woman.


And the western son said:

My father the man has nothing

But his western woman.


So the two sons fought

And each of them

Cut off the hands and legs

Of the other

And in the middle of the way

The two sons fell down

Smeared with regret.


The northern son said:

I am the son of the man

And my mother is the mistress of the earth

And with me is my destiny

To search for the glowing bird.

So, who are you?

And what are you seeking?


The southern son said:

I am the son of the man

And my mother is the mistress of the earth

And with me is my destiny

To search for the glowing bird.


The northern said:

My father the man has nothing

But his northern woman.


The southern son said:

My father the man has nothing

But his southern woman.


So the two sons fought

And each of them

Cut off the hands and legs

Of the other

And in the middle of the way

The two sons fell down

Smeared with regret