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I feel kinda slow,
My mind is out of control,
People treat me like I am just a show,
Why can't they see that i just want to go?

I am going away,
I'm leaving you and everyone else,
There's no time for anything else,
I have no purpose,
I am just taking up space on the shelf,
My shelf-life, listed as zero.

I've expired,
There's no life left,
Im just a speck of dust,
A pipe full of rust,
The stuff under your fingernail,
Like snail-mail,
I'm going nowhere fast,
and i just may crash into a land devoid of thought.

Useless to society,
I carry on, Moving on,
I've taken my baggage,
hoping to find a carriage,
taking me away to a land faraway

I guess I'm becoming a "Nowhere Man",
I don't have an answer,
I don't care,
I'm not aware,
I tend to stare out into this nowhere world,
Hoping to see a glimmer of hope.

The shine never comes,
Just a blank field of white,
Seems rather trite,
But it requires all my might,
Just to open my eyes again and come back to the real world.

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