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Why can't the world just go right/
why can i not tell the world just how i feel
i'm the antagonist, when all i want is to be the romanticist
how hard can it be to let someone be themselves
I just want to be myself
not somebody else

im sick of this mask
i want to smash it into a million pieces
little shards of misconception
im readjusting your reception

Will you still be there for me
when im not the one you used to know

I need to know
because im on my last straw
Im sick of this loneliness
I have friends but are they my friends?
or just there because they have nowhere else to go?

Will you still care about me the same way
when i am not my old way
Will you be there for me when my heart gets broken
will you be there when i stumble?

What is wrong with this world
so many masks, i can't tell if i even know you
tell me, do i know you,
cause all i see is the dillusions of another persons memory

show me the path i need to take
these terrible mistakes, illusions of reality
where is the equality
if we are so equal
then why are we all like a sequel?

will you let me see you
not your alter-ego
just you, the one i have been wanting to meet?
i will show you me
but will you show me you?

will you show me you?
will you let me in?
will you show me you?
let me in, i want to see you
let me in, let me in, let me in
all i want is you
all i want is to meet you
is that too much to ask?

You tell me....

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