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Paul Adrian

The Suburban Book of Sonnets

Is a book of love, only one poem in length,
it's a one winged dove flying over the granular
gray shingles of a house in the hills, it flits
across the television antennaes and pool leaf
regattas, sailing their somber colors of autumn
across the later-than-labor-day closed leisure
spas and oval blue lining pots that boil the summer

till it's end.

It's blocky like a square of lotted cape cods,
victorians and modern mobile homes, tiny white
picket fences, and wrenches under family cars,
oily scars on the driveway from a father's work to fix
the transmission that blew like some wind carrying sars,
to disease and defect all the sects of service given
to charge up that engine and drive

around this bend

of communal love.


Paul is a twenty something sicilian-american scribe who gives poetic sheets of paper rather than a box of sweet candy to his muse in his sad attempts to score a date with her. His most common method of flirtation is poetry, and he can be found voicing these soft whispers in shopping malls, sandy beaches, and college campuses anywhere in and around Rochester, NY his birthplace and long-time home. Paul believes publishing should always come second to writing in matters of importance, but if you can do both, well then god bless enjambments and double entendres.

© paul adrian