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A Little Bit About Me

I am a 61 year old Grandmother of 1 beautiful Grandaughter and Mother of three,2 daughters and 1 son.I have been a Christian for 49 years and am a Baptist.

I have a wonderful pet cockatiel Bartimaeus. I received him as a Christmas present 14 years ago from my daughter. His favorite phrase is ,"He's such a pretty bird." A phrase he taught himself.


I live in Western Kentucky on the banks of the beautiful Ohio River.I'm a dyed in the wool Kentuckian and love my bluegrass home.

I enjoy working in my flower garden,which the Lord gave to me.

I like Christian Contemporary Music. My favorite Christian Contemporary Artists are Don Francisco, Keith Green, Michael Card and Twila Paris..My favorite artworks are Michaelangelo's statue - the Pieta and Salvador Dali's painting of Christ St. John's Cross..My other hobbies are genealogy research,writing poetry, bike riding,photography and travel.




My songs had ceased, I don't know why.

They ended so quickly, I watched them die.

My dreamer dreams had faded away.

I wept and grieved when they left that day.

A wounding wound it pierced my soul.

Where once I felt completely whole.

There in now dwelt an empty space,

Where once there was a loving place.

Severed for all eternity, from life once lived I had,

The part that made me feel success, when other things went bad.

The loss of it burned deep and hard, internalizing my grief,

The depth of which cannot be told, this violation's thief.

I prayed and prayed and sought His peace, my only hope, the Source.

I turned my heart heavenward, survival was the course.

Little by little the answers they came,

Piece by piece, this nameless same.

Rearranged priorities now came into play,

They filled the empty space inside; God's love my only stay.

KateiraŠ 1/30/89


Isaiah 64:8 But now, O Lord, you (are) our Father,

We (are) the Clay, and You our Potter;

and we all (are) the Work of Your Hand.


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