Guild Officers



The president is responsible for the organization and proceeding of regular meetings. He/she also organizes special committees. He/she shall vote only to break a tie vote. The president may assist officers and committee members if necessary. The president is ultimately responsible for the coordination of all Association activities.

    Brandon Rowe



Vice President:

The vice president shall preside over the office of president when the president is absent and be the chair of the Creative Development Committee. If the vice president agrees, the president may delegate some of his specified duties to the vice president.

    Joshua Stegmeyer.





The secretary is responsible for meeting minutes and chairing the Membership Committee.


     Nicholas Barczak



                        I hope that the Writer's Guild will not only fill what has been a hole in the list of Organizations at MTU, but will also become a group full of enthusiastic individuals who continually grow and develop without needing any encouragement.   Feel free to email me if you have any ideas or suggestions. 




The treasurer shall keep records of all income, expenditures, and other financial matters. He/she will prepare a budget before the end of spring quarter/semester with the assistance of the outgoing treasurer. The treasurer also chairs the Finance Committee.

    Joshua Stegmeyer.





Public Relations Officer:

The public relations officer shall oversee all publications and advertisements required by the association. The public relations officer also chairs the Publishing Committee.

     Nicholas Barczak



                        I hope that the Writer's Guild will not only fill what has been a hole in the list of Organizations at MTU, but will also become a group full of enthusiastic individuals who continually grow and develop without needing any encouragement.   Feel free to email me if you have any ideas or suggestions. 




Writers Guild Constitution
Frequently Asked Questions
Links for Writers
Meeting Information
Guild Officers
Photo Gallery
Guild Member's Library