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who i was
who i am

old poems
death #2
death #3
sanitary cleanup


the past.

i said: i wish i had never stopped writting. i got sick of writing every poem about him so i stopped and now i just can't do it. i don't have anything to write about
she said: maybe you haven't gotten it "out of your system" yet, maybe you could use poetry as a way to actually work this out. stop it from haunting you.

maybe she's right.

i created this site a couple years ago, in order to share my "poetry" with the masses. i was a different person then, i was very much i love with a boy who was very much in love with me. i last updated this site a year ago. i was still in love with that boy, the only difference was he no longer loved me. i am no longer in love with that boy, in fact i can no longer stomach the thought of that boy. yet, he still has the power to keep my words from coming. i'm not going to give him that power anymore. and so, this site is reborn.