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Some of my favorite poets

I have gone through many different phases in my reading of poetry, including dark versus light (if such a thing exists), different time periods, different styles, etc. I have probably spent the most time on the style of Deep Image of the sixties and seventies. This includes poets such as Robert Bly, James Wright, and Donald Hall (all of whom are included in this site). I have found this style to be more concise and often more expressive and versatile than the earlier twentieth century form of Imagism of Pound, Eliot, and others. However, I also have enjoyed more traditional styles ranging from Sara Teasdale to Tennyson to Ben Jonson to Shakespeare. I have spent some time on Haiku poetry, but found that the translation from the original Japanese of the classic Haiku poetry is impossible to be accurate and truly expressive of the original. I have, however, found elements of Haiku in other forms of verse, especially in Deep Image. All of the following pages include biographies, poems, essays, and interviews.

Robert Bly

Billy Collins

Emily Dickinson

Robert Frost

Donald Hall

Ben Jonson

Charles Simic

William Stafford

Wallace Stevens

Sara Teasdale

Lord Alfred Tennyson

Walt Whitman

James Wright