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Some good poetry sites

Here are some sites that I use and have found to be very interesting and useful. I am always adding more links, so check this page out every once and a while, you might find something you like. If there are any links that you would like to recomend, feel free to do so by signing the guestbook below.

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General poetry sites

Academy of American Poets
Modern American Poetry Poetry
American Poems
University of Toronto Representative Poetry Online
Poets' Corner
The Atlantic Monthly Poetry Pages
The Cortland Review Online Literary Magazine
The Critical Poet
American Literature on the Web

Specific Poetry Sites

Complete poems of Emily Dickenson
Contemporaries of Lord Byron
Robert Frost Home Page
[Elizabethan] Renaissance Poetry
A Tribute in Poetry to William Stafford
The William Blake Page
The Complete Works of William Shakespeare
Shakespeare's Sonnets and other Sixteenth Century Poetry
The Billy Collins Website
Twentieth Century Poetry in English
Haiku and Short Poems
Modern and Contemporary American Poetry
British Poetry 1780-1910
W.B. Yeats: The Collected Poems
Collected Poems by A.C. Swinburne
The John Keats Homepage
Sonnet Central
Poems by Ezra Pound
A Good Collection of Byron
Gwendolyn Brooks
Great site on Edwin Arlington Robinson
Thomas Hardy website
Website on Arthur Symons

Poetry Forums

Wild Poetry Forum
Salty Dreams Poetry Forum
Poetry Free-For-All Forum (slightly snobby)
The Pink Palace of Poetitude Forum
Shadow Poetry Forum
Melic Review Poetry Forum