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In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit...

Prayers from/for the Heart

The Companion Prayer: Maria Lemmen
Oh heavenly Lord and Father,
I ask of Thee to grant in Thy infinite power and knowledge a companion for my soul.
I ask that he be the rock against which I can set my back to wield my sword.
I ask that he laugh at me when I need to be humbled,
That he recognize my independence and see that it hides my fear,.
Grant that he see my strength and the weakness it shields.
Let him humble me in my pride and arrogance, and strengthen me in my weakness and doubt.
Dear Father,
Let him temper my flame and balance my steel.
Grant in Thy divine mercy that he be my equal,
a partner that I may build up when broken,
and break down when proud.
And heavenly Father,
Grant that we may be bound together through Thee,
Our ties and bonds strengthened in Thy fires,
so that we may come to know each other more fully
through Thee.
I beg this in humility, in the name of Thy son, Jesus Christ.

The Joy Prayer: Moi

Lord, I thank You for the right, even the obligation, to be selfish at times. You've blessed me with such talents, such gifts of faith, hope and love. Help me to remember that much will be expected from those to whom much has been given--I must never settle for what is my natural, lazy, comparative performance. How could that be enough when You live in me?!

Lord, you know what I want, what I wish for my life. You know what is best for me. But, as a necessary spiritual exercise, I must come clean.

Lord, I want You to find me a young man who will build me up in You, and, in addition to that (because there are so many who fit that bill--thank You) who will teach me what Your greatest masterpiece, romantic love, looks like on earth. I ask not for perfection, but a glimpse of God in a man who sees me the same way, and who is willing to tell the world about it.

Lord, I wish that my career path works out the way I've planned it. You've already thrown me the most exciting curveballs in this area of my life, and I'm grateful. But, please give me some security and satisfaction. Help me make the most of everything--not just emotionally, when the sky's that gorgeous blue, but in everything. Most clearly, help me in choosing my classes and help them to be open--help my mind to be open.

Oh Jesus, I do not want to be manipulative. I want to present myself clearly, and make decisions for myself. It's not my job to make others' decisions for them, but I'd love to be a bit more forthcoming in making my own wishes known. Please, Lord, give me strength.

As always, Your will be done. But in that, please help me to remember that Your will does not always mean others get their way first, or that there must be cheerful sacrifice from me. You've already taken the cross--it is not a burden to You for me to ask for joy.