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How the Tables Turn

She slips away again into the night.
Without hope, I watch her drive away.
She calls to me, but will not answer
when I reach the door.

She is trapped between two;
a position that I know all too well.
Long I wrestled with the problem
that she now claims for her own.

Easier for her this time
for she has not been untrue in deed.
But weather in deed or heart
the pain is real whether deeds are done or thought.

There is no escape for her now,
for all roads lead to pain from here.
Staying means leaving
while leaving means staying,
and in the end there is the fear of loneliness
if either decision be wrong or right.

Yet this is the yoke that we take up
when we enter a love so strongly felt.
Did it end too soon, or was it over long ago?
But what if this or that had happened or not?

Too many questions of which there are no answers,
and everyday brings more to think about.
And while our worlds collide untold feelings lie scattered about,
waiting for a careless foot to crush them.

Our hearts, upon our sleeves we wear,
and slowly our minds grind away at the possibilities.
Neither one wanting to give up, or give in,
but do we have the strength to see it through?

And in the end, a leap of faith must be made.
Both approach the chasm from opposite sides.
Far below, the jagged rock of those who never understood our love
bear their teeth, waiting for lovers to leap in blindly.

Do we have what it takes to make the leap?
will one or the other break the faith,
leaving the other to the fates at the bottom,
or will they both just turn and walk away?

My decision has been made
and toward the canyon rim I ride.
My heart like a wild horse gallops toward the jumping point
as I gaze across the miles in her eyes.

She will not meet me, I suspect,
But I will make the jump alone if I must
And I will meet her on the other side.
For I have the heart and will to see this through.

And if the truth be known,
while she worries about my feelings
I work my way back into her heart,
and wonder not who drives the train,
for I do!