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When Worlds Collide

A drift in a sea of stars I see
their planets drifting far from me.

But in the sky where up is down
and motion is all relative
they also see a planet drift,
and from them both it drifts away.

Our orbits crossed not long ago
and in the crossing all were changed.
Now all on different orbits move
until they slip from view.

Like gravity, love has drawn us in,
our orbits intertwined.
While in the middle each world is torn,
unwilling to unbind.

But now it seems that one is free,
its orbit outward bound.
The second world is holding fast,
with a strength within untold.
The third is cast into the sun,
to meet its fiery fate.

And as the days continue
and time slips past us all
on my lonely world I sit,
unable to feel the fall.

The one I loved seems lost to me
and the one that saved me in the past
is holding on but can not last.

And while true planets live past time
in ages ever on.
And round the sun they all most go
until the sun has died.

We are not so fortunate
to see the end of time.
And so we all must chose a path
to deal with our fate.

And so the choices I have made
for good or bad or naught,
are mine alone I will stand on
each and every one.
For I have chosen love each time
and will continue to.

Though I see her drift away,
my course I will not alter.
Until my time has ended here
and to other worlds I depart.
I will remain forever true,
to the one who holds my heart.