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Why Bother

I made of list of reasons
that she might take me back.
The list was very short
though I have pondered long.

It would appear that she has made
the best decision here.
To let me go and then move on
with a new man in her life.

She found a man who fills her needs
and gives her all his time.
and given time I'm sure that he will
know her heart as well as I.

And so I sit it darkness
and think about my list
and wonder if in its shortness
there is something that I missed.

Is it nothing more than arrogance
to think that I'm unique.
That I can read the heart of one
when I have been so wrong.

And as the morning sun
in the eastern sky begins to rise,
the light streams across the table
and my empty paper lies.

Then softly a hand falls on my shoulder
just as my tears begin to fall
she whispers in my ear,
like so many times before

"You forgot to say you love her
And when the time is right
that will be enough."