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Project Steel

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Project Steel
This is the very first figure that I have ever made. I play a lot of SOCOM:Navy Seals 2 on the the PS2 and I have been playing either that or the original SOCOM ever since it was first released. The entire time I have played under the name "Project Steel". So this figure is a figure of me as Project Steel. I made the head and patterned it after my actual head. I know that the gear on the figure isn't really the way a real SEAL or special ops person would wear it, but this is a fantasy figure and it is the way I picture myself from the game.

I sculpted the head and painted it myself. I think the likeness is outstanding. I attached the head to a body made by Dragon. I hand picked all of the weapons and equipment, most of which were made by either Dragon or BBI. I have Steel equipped with a Barret M82A1A .50 caliber sniper rifle, a Socom Mark 23 (strapped to the right thigh), a Desert Eagle (hanging under the left shoulder), a knife (on the chest), 2 frag grenades, 2 red smoke grenades (for extraction), and a bunch of extra ammo clips. He also has 2 canteens and a flask of whiskey in his pocket, to relax him and straighten his shot. Steel has a silencer in one of his chest pockets, for the times he has to make a stealthy approach.

I added camo strips to the rifle to try and make it more camoflaged, but I'm not too happy with the results. I will probably continue to work on this figure, especially on the camoflage.


Don't worry Steel has plenty of bullets for everyone.
