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StarWallpaper is an independent publication. We support the project through book sales and independent donations. We try to budget very well and any shortcomings come out of the editor's and publisher's pocket. We would love to expand the program to include more schools and more young poets, but lack of funds always limits our reach. We would like to be able to pay the people who do our workshops.

If you would like to help, please send monetary donations to:

The Puddin'head Press
PO Box 477889
Chicago IL 60647

Please make checks payable to: "The Puddin'head Press"

If you are a printer and want to donate printing services, or wish to donate postage, paper, computer equipment, etc. or want to hire our staff to run a workshop, please e-mail us at

But one of the best and least painful and most enjoyable was to help is to buy a copy of this fine publication or buy a back issue or a copy for a friend by calling 1-888-BOOKS-98.

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