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First Chance Publishing

"Hard Copy Publishing"

The Publishing Opportunity for Aspiring Writers.

First Chance Publishing is accountable to writing groups within England and to the British Government. We can only provide hard-copy publishing services to writers born in England or who are British citizens residing permanently in England. The writer must have never been published in England before and manuscripts must be written in British English only. (See below on how to submit manuscripts.) We can, however, accept manuscripts from writer's anywhere in the world through our Writer's Showcase and these can be submitted in any of a host of different languages.

"The Writer's Showcase"

The Non-profit Publishing Opportunity for aspiring writers to showcase their talent.

Without charge or payment, your manuscript is converted into book format and deposited in an International Internet Library for easy access by publishers and readers world-wide. Copyright for your work in the showcase edition, is held by the Internet Library. However you, the writer, still retain the copyright option for all other (including future) editions.

See our Permission Form (pdf-31k) for details of copyright, etc.

Manuscripts are converted into books by selected publishers on a voluntary basis. There are no hidden charges! The Australian publisher, L&R Hartley functions as a clearing house and manuscripts world-wide are sent to them for processing first. L&R Hartley require that manuscripts for the showcase are supplied typed in computer format (IBM or MAC), on disk or via email.

L&R Hartley also independently solicits for unpublished manuscripts for paid publication. (Check out < publish> )

Advantages of The Writer's Showcase:

Your book is published internationally without charge or cost to you.

Showcase editions are for the benefit of the writer, reader and librarian, and are therefore not subject to publisher scrutiny. (Only typographical errors may be corrected prior to publication)

Only the showcase edition is locked by copyright. This does not affect your ability to continue to use your manuscript as you choose.

When you write to publishers you do not have the expense of mailing manuscripts, just refer them to the showcase library.

Your book is honoured with the prestige of appearing alongside those of some of the greatest writers of all time.

Your manuscript is preserved for future generations.

Serial stories, short stories or poems can be grouped into anthologies for posterity, display or public comment.


How to submit manuscripts:

Manuscripts for Hard Copy Publishing must be faxed to

Fax UK: 0871 239 5711

Before you send your manuscript, send a Query Letter and a Letter of Recommendation from a British Writer's Group or Society first.

How to get your manuscript in the First Chance Writer's Showcase:

Send manuscripts via email to L&R Hartley, Publishers

OR Send manuscripts on disk to: Showcase C/o L&R Hartley, Publishers,

P O Box 1471 Murwillumbah NSW 2484 Australia

Be sure to mention that you want it published on the Writer's Showcase!

Download, sign and mail this Permission Form to the above address (pdf-31k)

Include a query letter stating contact details, writer profile, etc.

(You may also wish to tell us how your heard about our service.)