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 Families Forever

Foetal diagnosis & Child loss support group


  • Meet us
  • Waiting with love
  • What is? (facts)
  • Stories
  • Articles
  • online journals
  • Resources (various areas)
  • Professional counselling
  • Discussion board
  • Chat room
  • Newsletter
  • Guestbook
  • Add your link
  • Gifts


    Web rings
    Join our Foetal diagnosis ring
    join our Families Forever ring


    Scheduled chat
    Friday  the 25th of Aug 7.30 PM, QLD Australia time

  • Meet the "Families Forever" team


    Stephanie Azri, Mother of six including Angel Talina, founded "Families Forever" in November 2002. She is the Co-ordinator of the group and works towards bringing about change in the community by providing hope and acknowledging families losing children in infancy and the families giving birth to special children. Email me


    Caroline Jeudon, proud aunty of Talina and mum to Olivia and Naomi.  Caroline created the original website in August 2002 which consisted of Talina's story.  She is the Families Forever secretary and deals with administrative paperwork as well as being a huge source of support.  Email me