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Artwork by: Penny Parker

My Eyes

If you could look through my eyes, you would only see how far
you've come, not the distance left ahead.

If you could look through my eyes, you would see that the trial you are going
through is not destroying you, but making you stronger.

If you could look through my eyes, you would see that you're broken heart will be
whole once more.

If you could look through my eyes, you would see that the dark valley you are
walking through leads to a glorious mountaintop.

If you could look through my eyes, you would see that the times you most
thought you were alone were the times I was closest to you.

If you could look through my eyes, you would see that when you felt unlovable,
my love you for you overflowed.

If you could look through my eyes, you would not turn away from your reflection
in shame, but see the beauty of my unconditional acceptance.

And if you could feel through my heart, you would know how treasured you are
to me.

All work on this website are the original writings of Todd Wielgos.
You are more than welcome to use the poems here on your own website,
But please give proper credit to the Author.
A link back is appreciated but not required.

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The Artwork that appears on this page is made by:
Penny Parker Please take a moment to visit her beautiful site

Site created and maintained by: Stacey's Webcreations