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salvage (Black Lawrence Press, forthcoming Spring 2016)

major characters in minor films (Sundress Publications, 2015)

girl show (Black Lawrence Press, 2014)

the shared properties of water and stars (Noctuary Press, 2013)

in the bird museum (Dusie Press, 2008)

the fever almanac (ghost Road Press, 2006)

limited editions, monographs,
artists books, & objects:}


catalogue no. 2 (dgp)

catalogue no. 1 (dgp)

fragmentary landscapes (the aesthetics of research zine exchange)

scrap zines (the aesthetics of research zine exchange)

dreams about houses and bees (dgp)


ghost landscapes: a travelogue (dgp)

lunarium (dgp)

terrestrial animal (dusie e-kollectiv)

radio ocularia (dgp)

"carnival season", Aesthetics of Research Exhibit Broadside, CCC Library


apocalypse theory: a reader (SFSU E-Chapbook Exchange)

beautiful, sinister (Maverick Duck Press)


strange seed (dgp)

I*HATE*YOU*JAMES*FRANCO (Sundress Publications e-chap)

shipwrecks of lake michigan (dgp)

selvedge: postcards (dgp)

botanica automata (dgp)


havoc (dgp)

miscellaneous (dgp)

landscape architecture: postcards & principles (dgp)


from constellations (w/ Julie Strand) (Chicago Calling Fest)


brief history of girl as match (dusie e-kollectiv)

at the hotel andromeda (w/ Lauren Levato) (dgp)

feign (New Michigan Press)


archer avenue (dgp)


errata (dgp)


belladonna (dgp)

bloody mary (dgp)

"Hazards" Poetry Center of Chicago Broadside


The Archaeologist's Daughter (Moon Journal Press)