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Jessie, James, and Meowth

Yah yah yah... bla bla bla... oh yeah I said I was gonna tell you what a rocketshipper is? Oh well, I lied. You should know that by now anyway, I am one.


Her mother was a Team Rocket member and her name was Miyamoto. Bla bla bla Pokemon Tech, Bla bla bla Bike Gang... finally Team Rocket. The end. (I'm terrible at this kinda stuff).


Yeah. As you may know (or not), James was born into a rich family who cared more about money than their son. His childhood pet was Growlie, his pet Growlithe (shown on the first page... how cute, huh?). He was supposed to marry Jessibell but then went to pokemon tech, the bike gang, bla bla bla whatever and finally ended up in Team Rocket.


Meowth was born on the street and was part of this Meowth gang thing or something. He learned to walk and talk for a rich girl Meowth, Meowzy. She just turned him down. I don't know what happened then, but somehow he got into Team ROcket and was the top cat until he got replaced by a Persian and sent with Jessie and James. The End.