Awww ( = Isn't that cute? I mean sure a Jigglypuff just knocked them out... but still!
They look kinda scared... yet somewhat relaxed... and it looks like his hand's goin' down by her butt!
Same as the last one... They look scared, but somewhat relaxed because they're holding each other...
Now that is just too cute!!! I don't think I even have to make a caption... AWWWW!!!
Awwww! This is cute too! Sure Ash is in there, but... She's leaning on him! Which proves to those of you who say "Well maybe James likes Jessie and shows it, but she hates him!" hahaha you're WRONG!
Umm... I can't really think of much for this one. But look at Meowth! Pervert! He's trying to steal Jessie!
Rocketshippy Pictures! How cute!
Now isn't that cute? They've won or something... awwww!
Now, this is from the Manga, i'm not exactly sure which one. SHE'S TOUCHING HIS ASS! I'm sorry but people who are 'just friends' do NOT touch each other's butts while they're sleeping. You e-mail me saying that, and I'll just have to make you stare at this picture for an hour or something, cuz you can just not think that. She's saying "AHHH"! AND SHE'S WEARING PANTS!! OH MY GOD!!
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