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PokeDex Entry: Raichu

Raichu Pokedex Entries

Profile:Raichu is the evolved form of Pikachu. It can shock with more than one hundred thousand volts, enough to render a Dragonite unconscious. Its long tail serves as a ground to protect itself from its own high-voltage power, when its electricity builds it forces this POKéMON's muscles to become stimulated and it becomes far more aggressive than normal. If the electric pouches in its cheeks become fully charged with electricity, both of a Raichu's ears will stand straight up. If its electric pouches run empty with power, it will raise its tail into the sky in order to gather electricity from the atmosphere and recharge the electrical sacs. Often when its electrical attacks reach 10,000 volts, It discharges electricity from its tail, so it is not harmed by its own power. If the electrical sacs become excessively charged, Raichu plants its tail in the ground and discharges. Scorched patches of ground will be found near this POKéMON's nest. This POKéMON exudes a weak electrical charge from all over its body that makes it take on a slight glow in darkness. When Raichu search for electricity it does so by planting its tail in the ground and using its cheek organs to scan the surrounding area for electrical spikes, this also known as Electronic Sonar, allowing the POKéMON to find a source of energy and get as much as possible.f it stores too much electricity, its behavior turns aggressive. To avoid this, it occasionally discharges excess energy and calms itself down. FireRed Its electric charges can reach even 100,000 volts. Careless contact can cause even an Indian elephant to faint. Raichu turns agressive when it has built up too much electricity in its body. When it discharges power through its tail, it can loose 100,000-volt bursts of electricity, instantly downing foes several times its size.
Origin: Raichu's Name comes from a Japanese origin like many of the other Pokemon do. The Rai in Raichu comes from the Japanese kanji "rai" (=kaminari), which means thunder, as in thunder and lightning. It's the same "rai" as in the name Raiden (the Thunder God). The suffix "chu" makes the whole name cute.
  • Number: 26
  • Type: Electric
  • Species: Mouse
  • Height: 2' 7''
  • Weight: 66 lbs.
Offense Statistics
Offensive Advantages
  • Water Types
  • Flying Types
Offensive Disadvantages
  • Electric Types
  • Grass Types
  • Ground Types
Defense Statistics
Defensive Advantages
  • Flying Types
  • Electric Types Defensive Disadvantages
    • Ground Types
    • Rock Types