Inspired by something (Angela D) said in an IM conversation- "We must make sure he never discovers beanie babies. If he was willing to destroy the world for Lugia, imagine what he'd do for Peanut the Royal Blue Elephant" Anyone can join in on this, but please, use the name Jirarudan. Not, Lawrence or any form of it. Lorne's gonna be in this and we wouldn't wanna get the psychos confused. ^_^
Angela: Really, Lorne. Shopping for Gelasia's birthday gift at a swap meet!
Lorne: Gel likes beanie babies and lots of people have 'em here. I need you to help me pick out a few for her.
*they stop and someone with a ton of beanie babies*

Angela: *sparkily eyes* AWWWWW! Lookit the cute butterfly...an' the bunny...an' the kitty...an' the fishie...an' the...

Lorne: v_v() *turns head* hmm? Hey! It's a friend of mine.

Angela: *holding a beanie baby kitty* You have friends?

Lorne: We met at HCMI. *Waves frantically* HEY!!!! JIRARUDAN!!!!!!

Angela: Figures...his friends are insane...

Jirarudan: *walks over* Lorne? You were released?

Lorne: Not....um...exactly...uh...anyway, this is Angela. My friend.

Jirarudan: You have friends?

Angela: Hey! That's what I said! I'm also his stepmom! We're buying beanie babies for Lorne's wife (yes, Gel and Lorne got married in GP) because she co....

Lorne: *whacks Angela with mallet of death* Uh...heh heh...she needed her daily *looks at watch* 3:07 mallet whack. Angela, come over here. let's take your medicine *drags Angela off*

Jirarudan: Figures...his friends are insane...*picks up beanie baby kitty that Angela dropped.

*over a few feet away from the table*

Angela: Ow....Lorne, you have two seconds to explain why I'm not going to kill you...

Lorne: Don't say the "C"- word.

Angela: "C"-word?

Lorne: *whispers* Collect. He's obsessed with collecting things. It's why he ws thrown in the HCMI for a while. We can't get him started on Beanie Babies. He won't stop until he has them all.

Angela: Including...

Lorne: Whatever you're thinking, I'm sure...

Jirarudan: *still holding Beanie Baby kitty* These are kinda cute...

Dealer: Are you a collector?

Angela and Lorne: O_O oh no....

Jirarudan: *smirks* Yes, I am...

Meanwhile, At another table:
Nitchske: How much for the '77 Dodge Charger hubcaps?

AutoGuy: $25.

Nitch proceeds to give the money...

AG: each.

McGee: What? They're made from platium?! Forget it! (TROd exits towards a familiar group)

Farve: Well, What brings you out here?

Jessie: James is looking for rare bottlecaps, Meowth wants some coins, & I'm here for the heck of it. Yourselves?

Packerchu: I almost got ripped off at an auto parts booth.

James (to vendor) Is that the Carew RC cola bottle?

Snippy vendor: *No, It's the bottle of enteral bliss.* You twit!

James: Oh well, I was going to pay $50 for it, but since it isn't, I'm going over here, (Looks over at the beanie booth) Oh jeez, Let's NOT go over there!

Meowth: Whoi nat?

Nitch: Because...

James: Quick, someone hide me...

McGee: Why?

James: Shadow's over there...I don't want her to see me...not with her...~crush~

Meowth: James! Didn't you hear? She's goin' out wit me! She don't want yous no more, she's my goil!

James: Whew! That's a relief!

Shadowcat comes up to James, TRod, and Meowth, followed by her faithful Aslanti.

Shadowcat: Hey, guys! What are you doing here?

packerchu: Almost getting RIPPED-OFF by idiot auto-supply vendors! Argh!

James: Looking for rare bottle caps. You?

Shadowcat: Well, I got a great deal on some art supplies! Just look at this 18 X 24canvass! Absolutely UNUSED and only 50 cents! And I found a nice leather collar for Aslanti...and...just look at the adorable little Beanie Babie!

Aslanti steps forward with a little plush replica of himself in his mouth (minus the Persian ruby head-jewel).

Shadowcat: "Bushy the Lion"! But we're calling him Mini-Aslanti!

Aslanti: Merrowl!

Jirarudan comes running up with his arms full of Beanie Babies.

Jirarudan: Did you say "Bushy the Lion"? That vendor was all out! I must have him! I'll name any price, my lady!

Shadowcat: No way! That was the last one he had and Aslanti begged me to get it for him! It's his "baby"!

Jirarudan: Alright, if I cannot buy him from you, I shall just TAKE him!

Jiarudan swipes Bushy from Aslanti's mouth and runs off.

Aslanti: *Cries* Roar! *Cries*

James: Why that RAT! Team Rocket are supposed to be the thieves around here!

Shadowcat: *Shakes her fist in the air* Come back here!

*Angela and Lorne are watching Shadowcat and Aslanti (BTW, Shads, they have made a beanie buddy of Bushy the Lion. Beanie Buddys are pretty much bigger, fluffier beanie babies and are about 10 bucks) chase Jirarudan down*

Lorne: Complete chaos. I'm so happy.

Angela: The guy's goin' around buying (and swiping) a ton of beanie babies and you're HAPPY?!?!

Lorne: Complete chaos...*happy look* And it's not my fault!!!

Angela: *glares* You waved him over

Lorne: v_v() Not...completely my fault... popcorn?

Angela: Yeah. Sure. *eats popcorn*

Jirarudan: Lorne, hold these I'll be right back...*thrusts huge pile of beanie babies in to Lorne's arms and runs away*

Angela: Uh-oh....Bye! *runs off*

Lorne: Hey! WAIT! How come I...AHHHH!!!*gets tackled by Aslanti*

Shadowcat: Good job, Aslanti! He's over there! Get him! *pounces on Lorne*

Lorne: Ow! Stop it! You got the wrong pyschopath! OWIE!!!!!!! Something bit me!

Shadowcat: Ooops...

*Jirarudan runs back up*

Jirarudan: Look! They've got Beanie Buddies, too! Give me the beanies! *Shoves them and the buddies in a bag and takes off*

Jirarudan: Ta ta!

Shads: Why that little creep...!

Aslanti: RRRRRRRRRRRRrrrrrrrr..... *Aslanti growls low in his throat*

Jessie: Come back here, You vermin!

Favre::*AHEM!* Rodent bashing.

James: *Sorry.*

Meowth: We's gotta a loon ta caitch!


The big cat lands on...

...Kahmelon who was also looking for a birthday gift for Gelasia.*

Kahmelon: What do you think you're doing?

Shadow Cat: Trying to stop that psycho over there!

Kahmelon: And having Aslanti jump on me will achive that how?

*A few isles down Gelasia is looking at weird random junk, and can't decide between a large swivel chair with a tabel thingy in front, or a cool funky looking lamp*

Gelasia: The lamp or the chair? Hmm.

*sees a beanie baby go flying through the air*

Well there's something you don't see everyday..is that what i think it is?!!

*floats up and grabs it, floats down, and realizes its Peanut the royal blue elephant*

WOW! This is so cool!, and in perfect condition!

*stuffs it in her purse*

Vendor: So lady are ya gonna buy something or just stand there?

Gelasia: Oh shush. *Walks away to the isle everyone else is at*

Kahmelon? angela? Lorne? Shads? What are you guys doing here?

Lorne: Ummm, looking for the recipe to mountain-quillots!

Gelasia: But Lorne.... you KNOW the recipe to mountain-quillots!

Angela: We're looking at random junk. *whacks Lorne over the head with a mallot* Idiot.

Shadowcat: Oh, great...now that collecting psycho has discovered the Pokemon Card booth!

Jiaraudan: Oh...that one's rare...a replica of my first Ancient Mew card...do you have any of the Legendary Birds, a Lugia, perhaps?

Vendor: No, but we have a Team Rocket set.

Pikalee: Oh! A Team Rocket set! *rushes to booth and pushes Jiddy out of the way*

Jiaraudan: HEY!

A random vendor comes walking by hawking foodstuffs and beverages.

Vendor: Sir, Madame, would you care to try out this new drink?

Jiaraudan: Of course, I'm thirsty.

Pikalee: Sure!

They buy drinks and drink them.

Pikalee: This is very good! What is it?

Vendor: A combination of Mountain Dew, Nyquil, and Carrots.

Angela: (expletive deleted).
Jirarudan: *now dragging bags of every beanie baby he could get his hands on when he sees...* Is that...*gasp* BRITANNIA!
Angela: We're trying to find Lorne's friend

Gelasia: You have friends?

Lorne: Does everyone find this hard to believe?

All: Yes!

Angela: Yeah, anyway he's obsessed with collecting things and he has discovered Beanie Babies...Oh look, there he is now...

*Jirarudan is dragging 2 of those huge black trash bags full of Beanies, and has run out of room and thus is carrying Rocket the Blue Jay in his mouth*

Lorne: Don'tcha think you've had enough?

Jirarudan: *stops and takes Rocket the Blue Jay out of his mouth* Not until I get the Cranberry Teddy, rest of the cats, the Dinosaurs, Billionare bear, Spot the dog w/out the spot and the god of them all Peanut the Royal Blue Elephant.

Shads: Can I please get Bushy back?

Jirarudan: NO!

Aslanti: *growls*

Kahmelon: Am I the only one who sees these things as a waste of money?

All: Yes

Jirarudan: *eye twitches* What...did you say?

Kahmelon: That they're a waste of money

Jirarudan: A WASTE OF MONEY!?? *goes on for a good hour about how beanie babies are not a waste of money*

Kahmelon: You're weird...

Jirarudan: I'm not weird...I'm just*snaps finger trying to think of a word*

Gelasia: Obsessive?

Kahmelon: Uh-huh...

*Just then BJP(baby jiggly puff) walks by holding the rare beanie babies she got from eating at McDonalds.*

BJP:Hi everyone! (Blithely unaware of what is going on.)

*Everyone stares.*

BJP: Uh...Who's the guy who looks like Davied Bowey?

*Right then Jirarudan decieds to...

..go after Sforzie, who was trying to sneak by with all her beanie cats!

Jira: Those! gimme! Now!

Sforzie: No!

Jira: Gimme! NOW!!

Sforzie: No!

Jira: GIMME!!

Sforzie: I said no, you pointy haired freak!

::Sforzie runs off screaming. Jira pulls a mirror from his bag of beanies::

Jira: Is my hair really that pointy?

(I called him Jira 'cause I can't spell his name.. ^_^;

Jirarudan: My hair's not really that spikey is it?

All: Ummm....

Jirarudan: Is it?

*cassidy comes in*

Cassidy: There you are! The salon got in more of that hair gel we use. I picked you up five bottles...

Jirarudan: ^_^() Uh....thank you....

Jessie: Ha ha! You use the same hair gel as Cassidy!

Cassidy: At least I don't use your stupid hair gel!

Jessie: WHAT?

*catfight insues*

*Jira* ::sweatdrops::

*all* ::start betting who is gonna win the catfight::

then, two other Rockets come strolling by.

*Mondo* ::whines:: Lyra, why do you always drag me to buy beanies?!

*Lyra* cause i still need all the ones i still didn't get! ::spots a Seamore and her eyes sparkle:: AHHHH!! SEAMORE! ::grabs it::

*Jira* ::spots Lyra hugging the little seel-like beanie:: AH-HA! ::grabs teh other end of the beanie:: unhand this fine specimen!
*Lyra* MINE!

*Jira* MINE!

*Mondo* ........

*Shads* eh? o0

*Aslanti* growl?

Sforzie hides her beanies while Jira was distracted.

*Sforzie* ^^ hehe! my beanies are safe!

the disputed beanie rips in half and little plastic pellets and stuffing go flying all over the place. Cassidy steps on a pellet and slips falling on Jessie. both got knocked out.

*James* ITS A TIE!

*all* ::grumble::

Lyra and Jira flash threatening glances at each other

*BJP* uh oh...

*Kahmelon* this is a waste of time and money

*Meowth* dun't forget computer space. meow....


*A flash of lighting occurs with the sound of thunder.*

A load voice from the heavens: Since you have destroyed the sacred bennie baby SEAMORE Seel you will now face the rath of the bennie baby god of destruction!

All: o_0

*BJP hides her tiny beanie babies behind her back as well, because she fears the wrath of the beanie baby god.*

Meowth: What was the ancient prophcey again?
If you disterb the beanie baby god of the destruction the world will to Lorne?

James: Don't you mean Ash?

Meowth: That's been done already.

*Jira jumping up and down*

Jira: I want it I want IT!

Silver Vaporeon: Here we go again!

All: (expletive deleted)

*The voice from the heavens continues...*

(Note: The Japanese prophecy was better, it didn't mention Ash, ha ha)
Do not disturb the god of fire, god of thunder and god of ice or the sky and land will become enraged and the world will head towards devistation. The god of the sea appears to prevent the cataclysm, but is not able to save the world unless a superior master appears and is able to soothe the rage of the gods.

PikaLee: Ooh...

Everybody else: What?

BJP: The awesome power of the gods?

PikaLee: No, Team Rocket action figures in a Japanese box! Ooh!

Everybody else: O_o *falls over anime style*

Shadowcat: Beanie god of destruction...yeah right. Pulls a book out of her pocket and begins reading it, "Assassins"

Sforzie: What the heck is that?

Shadowcat: 6th book in a series about the Apocalypse..."Left Behind"...

Lyra: Oh.

Shadowcat: Oh, Cameron Williams, how I love thee...but, you're married to Chloe, now, aren't you? Well, maybe she'll be the next to die...but NO, she can't! She's the only feamale lead character!...Oh, and them demon-locusts in the last book, whew, scary!...

Everyone looks at Shads like she has gone insane.

Shadowcat: WHAT? I like these books!

Beanie god of destruction: How darest thou ignore ME!

Shadowcat: I don't worship you, that's how.

Beanie god of destruction: But EVERYBODY worships Beanie Babies! I've got collectors all over the world spending every dime and cent!

The beanie baby titan flies out of the clouds...it looks somewhat like a cuter, fluffier Lugia...with a teddy-bear face.

Beanie god of destruction: Thou hast disturbed the harmony of the beanie babies! Prepare to face my wrath!

Everybody falls down laughing. (It's hard to take something with a cute teddy-bear face seriously).

Beanie god of destruction: STOP LAUGHING! I WILL DESTROY THE WORLD!

Lorne: I though the world was going to turn to me!

Jiararudan: Ha! The biggest, rarest beanie of them all! I must have it! *Jiddy runs off, and is seen a few feet away with a hammer desperatley trying to build one of those electric capture nets*

(That version does sound better,PikaLee, and it makes more sense.)

*Bennie Baby versions of Articuno, Zapados, and Moltres apear.*

Angela: *head in hand* Now Lorne...

Lorne: Now what?

Angela: Now it's your fault...

Lorne: No fair....

Jira: must have Beanie Baby god of Destruction....*runs to parking lot with his newly built hula hoops of death and gets in the Big Ass Flying Fortress to go capture the Beanie Baby Lugia*

Angela: If you hadn't waved him over to the table...

Kahmelon: Wait...Lorne waved him over to the Beanie Baby table?

Lorne: *meekly* yes...


Meowth: But we can't right now because he's the worlds last hope...

All: (Expletive deleted)
Lorne: Why does the world have to turn to me? I don't know what I'm doing. Can't James do it?

Angela: Oh no. I'm curious as to how the psycho is going to handle the fate of the world...

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