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..........................Phoenix Trainer's HQ

Current Date: Thursday, March 27, 2025 Recent News : None


Pokedex 2000

Message Board

Pokemon Red and Blue
- Pokemon Yellow
Pokemon Gold and Silver


Price Guide

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Veiw Guest Book

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Welcome all Pokemon Trainers!



-I am sorry I haven't been updating. I was going to delete this site, but now that I got more space from angelfire, I will finish this webpage.


-I'm sorry I haven't been working on this webpage. I have been busy playing my gold veersion game. I also haven't finished the Pokedex 2000 because I have decided to base it on Gold and Silver attacks. I will also find a new layout for it.


-I have been working on the Pokedex 2000. Pokemon 1-151 will be done by October 15, 2000, the release date of gold and Silver.


-Not much has gone on since I was gone. Gold and Silver are going to come out on October 15. You can reserve on almost anywhere.

- Nintendo is trying to get people to fill out a survey. They say it will really help them. So if you want to help them make the "next generation of Pokémon games a success", go here: and fill out the survey.


-Everybody probably already knows this, but the new Pokemon episodes are going to air the 19th and 26th. Not much is going on now.

-Gym Heroes expansion set is now out. There is also a "W" stamped Misty's Psyduck, to anyone who wants to know. You can get it in September's TopDeck magazine.

-Something is wrong with the Message Board, so don't even try to go there. I am going to be leaving for a week in a while, so there won't be to much updating for a while.


- I have started working on the Trading Card Game Section. The Spoiler section is done untill I get more information on the Gym Heroes Expansion Set, which came out the 8th.

-The Pokedex 2000 should be done sometime this month, at the most mid-September.


-The Pokedex is now 1/3 complete, except for the pictures and the Gold and Silver Pokemon, which I'll put in soon. The News section will be up as soon as the Pokedex is done, which will be in a few days.  

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