Pokémon cheats, pokémon cheats, pokémon cheats, pokémon cheats, pokémon cheats.
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WARNING! We got all our cheats from other people who sent them in if they don't work or you have problems then tell us and we will contact them. Thanks.
Participate in our great poll of your favourite of the newest Pokemon!!
Last Updated: July 5th, 2000

Team Rocket did not want you to know this but we felt these cheats are a necessity to any real Pokémon trainer, so we killed their pokémon with our Mew and slapped them upside the head.
Every One Of The Newest Gold/
Silver Pokémon.
Get Mew Cheat/
Catch A Surfing Pikachu Cheat/
Cut Pikachu Tree And Make Him Bleed/
Catch A Maril Cheat/
Catch A Blue(Snubbull) Cheat
Get your very own horoscope reading NOW!
If you want us to search for any cheat you desire then email us at the address below, for your chance to be the first to find out a new cheat.
If you have suggestions of other cheats or just comments send us an e-mail at pikachucheats@hotmail.com

We are not affiliated with any large companies or organizations like Nintendo, Gameboy, Heinz etc. We are also not responsible for any consequences after using the information taken from this site. If you have any problems after using any of this information on your gameboys then we are not liable.