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Gameshark codes

01??3AD0 MODIFY LEVEL OF POKEMON YOU BATTLE Note: This may mess up a Pokemon when it's ready to grow. Use a Pokemon that is strong, but does not need like 3 exp. points to grow a level, to battle while using this code. Replace ?? with one of the following: 01:1 02:2 03:3 04:4 05:5 06:6 07:7 08:8 09:9 0A:10 0B:11 0C:12 0D:13 0E:14 0F:15 10:16 11:17 12:18 13:19 14:20 15:21 16:22 17:23 18:24 19:25 1A:26 1B:27 1C:28 1D:29 1E:30 1F:31 20:32 21:33 22:34 23:35 24:36 25:37 26:38 27:39 28:40 29:41 2A:42 2B:43 2C:44 2D:45 2E:46 2F:47 30:48 31:49 32:50 33:51 34:52 35:53 36:54 37:55 38:56 39:57 3A:58 3B:59 3C:60 3D:61 3E:62 3F:63 40:64 41:65 42:66 43:67 44:68 45:69 46:70 47:71 48:72 49:73 4A:74 4B:75 4C:76 4D:77 4E:78 4F:79 50:80 51:81 52:82 53:83 54:84 55:85 56:86 57:87 58:88 59:89 5A:90 5B:91 5C:92 5D:93 5E:94 5F:95 60:96 61:97 62:98 63:99 64:100
Item modifier - slot 1: 01??ABD5 Replace ?? with one of the following values. 07: Bicycle 08: Moon Stone 09: Antidote 0A: Burn heal 0B: Freeze heal 0C: Awakening 0D: Paralyze heal 0E: Recover 0F: Max Potion 10: Potion 11: Super Potion 12: Potion 13: Escape Rope 14: Repel 15: Ether 16: Fire Stone 17: Thunder Stone 18: Water Stone 20: Rare Candy 22: Leaf Stone 23: Metal Powder 24: Nugget 25: PokeDoll 26: Full Heal 27: Revive 28: Full Revive 29: Special guard 30: Lemonade 31: X-Attack 32: X-Defend 34: X-Speed 35: X-Special 36: Coin Case 37: Item Finder 3A: Old Rod 3B: Good Rod 3C: S. Leaf 3D: Super Rod 3E: PP UP 3F: Max ether 40: PP Recover 44: SS.Anne Ticket 45: Unknown Egg 47: Silver Feather 48: Milk(from the Mirutank farm) 4A: Antidote Nut 4E: Paralyze Heal Nut 4F: Frozen Nut(Burn Heal) 50: Burnt Nut(Ice heal) 52: King's Symbol(for Nyorotono, Yadoking) 55: Red Bonguri(for making red pokeball) 56: Small Mushroom 57: Big Mushroom 59: Blue Bonguri(for making blue pokeball) 5B: Lucky Ribbon 5C: Gold Bonguri(for making gold pokeball) 5D: Green Bonguri(for making green pokeball) 5F: Mysterious Drop(raises water type attacks) 61: White Bonguri(for making white pokeball) 63: Black Bonguri(for maing black pokeball) 65: Pink Bonguri(for making pink pokeball) 68: Pink Ribbon 69: Leek 6A: Smoke 6B: Freeze Heal 70: Solar Stone(for Kireihana and Kimawari) 72: Sweet bun(cures 20HP) 75: Mysterious seed 77: Head Band 7E: Lucky Egg 7F: Card Key 80: Machine Part(for clearing Plant activity) 83: Star Dust 85: Basement key 86: Train ticket 8A: Wood 8B: Nut Juice 8F: Metal Coat(for Haganail and Hassamu) 95: Nut juice(cures 20HP) 96: Weird Nut 97: Dragon scale(for Kingudora) 9E: Heavy Ball 9F: Level Ball A0: Lure Ball A1: Speed Ball A5: Moon Ball A6: Love Ball A9: Solar Stone AC: Upgrade(for Porygon2) AD: Nut AE: Golden nut(cures 30HP) AF: Squirtle Water(for Usocky) B2: Golden Feather B5: Surf Mail B6: Water coloured Mail B8: Lovely Mail B9: VeeVee Mail BB: Sky Blue Mail Unlimited item slot 1: 0163ACD5
Pokeball modifier - slot 1: 01??F0D5 Replace ?? with one of the following values. 01: Masterball 02: Ultra ball 04: Great ball 05: Pokeball Unlimited Pokeball - slot 1: 0163F1D5
Catch any Pokemon: 01??D6CF Replace ?? with one of the following values. 01: Bulbasaur 02: Ivysaur 03: Venusaur 04: Charmander 05: Charmeleon 06: Charizard 07: Squirtle 08: Wartortle 09: Blastoise 0A: Caterpie 0B: Metapod 0C: Butterfree 0D: Weedle 0E: Kakuna 0F: Beedrill 10: Pidgey 11: Pidgeotto 12: Pidgeot 13: Rattata 14: Raticate 15: Spearow 16: Fearow 17: Ekans 18: Arbok 19: Pikachu 1A: Raichu 1B: Sandshrew 1C: Sandslash 1D: Nidoran Female 1E: Nidorina 1F: Nidoqueen 20: Nidoran Male 21: Nidorino 22: nidoking 23: Clefairy 24: Clefable 25: Vulpix 26: Ninetails 27: Jigglypuff 28: Wigglytuff 29: Zubat 2A: Golbat 2B: Oddish 2C: Gloom 2D: Vileplume 2E: Paras 2F: Parasect 30: Venonat 31: Venomoth 32: Diglett 33: Dugtrio 34: Meowth 35: Persian 36: Psyduck 37: Golduck 38: Mankey 39: Primeape 3a: Growlithe 3b: Arcanine 3c: Poliwag 3d: Poliwhirl 3e: Poliwrath 3f: Abra 40: Kadabra 41: Alakazam 42: Machop 43: Machoke 44: Machamp 45: Bellsprout 46: Weepinbell 47: Victreebell 48: Tentacool 49: Tentacruel 4A: Geodude 4B: Graveler 4C: Golem 4D: Ponyta 4E: Rapidash 4F: Slowpoke 50: Slowbro 51: Magnemite 52: Magneton 53: Farfetch'd 54: Doduo 55: Dodrio 56: Seel 57: Dewgong 58: Grimer 59: Muk 5A: Shellder 5B: Cloyster 5C: Gastly 5D: Haunter 5E: Gengar 5F: Onix 60: Drowzee 61: Hypno 62: Krabby 63: Kingler 64: Voltorb 65: Electrode 66: Exeggcute 67: Exeggcutor 68: Cubone 69: Marowak 6A: Hitmonlee 6B: Hitmonchan 6C: Lickitung 6D: Koffing 6E: Weezing 6F: Rhyhorn 70: Rhydon 71: Chansey 72: Tangela 73: Kangaskhan 74: Horsea 75: Seadra 76: Goldeen 77: Seaking 78: Staryu 79: Starmie 7A: Mr. Mime 7B: Scyther 7C: Jynx 7D: Electabuzz 7E: Magmar 7F: Pinsir 80: Tauros 81: Magikarp 82: Gyarados 83: Lapras 84: Ditto 85: Eevee 86: Vaporeon 87: Jolteon 88: Flareon 89: Porygon 8A: Omanyte 8B: Omastar 8C: Kabuto 8D: Kabutops 8E: Aerodactyl 8F: Snorlax 90: Articunno 91: Zapdos 92: Moltres 93: Dratini 94: Dragonair 95: Dragonite 96: Mewtwo 97: Mew 98: Chikorita 99: Beifru 9A: Meganiumi 9B: Hinorashi 9C: Magnumarashi 9D: Bakufun 9E: Waninoko 9F: Arigeitsu A0: Odairu A1: Otachi A2: Ootachi A3: Hoho A4: Yorunozuku A5: Redeiba A6: Redeian A7: Itomaru A8: Araidosu A9: Kuroba Aa: Choncchi Ab: Rantan Ac: Pichu Ad: Pi Ae: Pupurin Af: Togepi B0: Togechikku B1: Neitei B2: Neiteio B3: Meripu B4: Mokoko B5: Denryuu B6: Kirehana B7: Marill B8: Mariruri B9: Usokki BA: Myorotono BB: Hanekko BC: Popokko BD: Watakko BE: Eipamu BF: Himanattsu C0: Kimawari C1: Yanyanma C2: Upa C3: Nuo C4: Eifi C5: Burakki C6: Yamikarasu C7: Slowking C8: Muuma C9: Annon (can show up in any form) CA: Sonansu CB: Kinriki CC: Kunugidama CD: Fuoretosu CE: Nokocchi CF: Guraiga D0: Haganeru D1: Snubble D2: Guranburu D3: Harisen D4: Hassamu D5: Tsubotsubo D6: Heraherakuroso D7: Nyura D8: Himeguma D9: Ringuma DA: Magumaggu DB: Magukarugo DC: Urimu DD: Inomu DE: Sanigo DF: Teppouo E0: Okutan E1: Dribado E2: Maintain E3: Eamudo E4: Derubiru E5: Heruga E6: Kingudoru E7: Gomazou E8: Donphan E9: Porygon2 EA: Odushishi EB: Doburu EC: Baruki ED: Kapoera EE: Muchura EF: Elekid F0: Bubii F1: Mirutanku F2: Hapinasu F3: Raiku F4: Entei F5: Suikun F6: Yogirasu F7: Sanagirasu F8: Bangirasu F9: Lugia FA: Houou FB: Serebii