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Pokemon Yellow
Pokemon Yellow is a improved version of red/blue. It is praticaly the same except the graphics are different. Also a pikachu follows you! The graphics are a lot nicer then blue/red. Misty/brock has clothes now! The pokemon are a lot better designed and you can actually see a better way of how the moves of the pokemone works. A pikachu also follows in the back of you, where you can turn around and see if pikachu is mad, mild, happy. If hes mad you aren't really being a real care to him if hes happy then your paying attention to him!! I would pay a LOT of attention to him! Pikachu is also a lot harder to get other then catching it commonly in viridian forest. It also is a whole lot stronger seeing it is basically the main character. You also get to meet up with Jessie and James instead of just team rocket members. Pokemon Yellow is certainly for the poke master needs! If you do not want to spend your money on this and you just want to play your original Pokemon red and blue its ok :).

Ratings: Ive asked 5 people without pokemon yellow and told them what its all about, and I asked 5 people WITH Pokemon yellow to give a rating from 1-20. 1 being the junkest! and 20 being the best! The 5 of the people who didn't have pokemon yellow gave these ratings: 19, 16, 17, 20, and 13. The 5 who had it gave these ratings: 20, 20, 15, 13, and 19. I see the people who had it just adored it! Hehehehe.

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Mew Heart, For Images