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My ASB Team

Here is my ASB Team from TPM. I would like to thank the people on TPM for their Pokémon icons

Ninetales (Female)
Nickname: Belisama
Received from: Original Team
Evolved by: Winning battle by DQ
Signature Move: Ethereal Apparition
Description: Belisama focuses her mind and draws out a specter from herself. The spirit looks like a transparent Ninetales with yellow glowing eyes. It wanders the arena, howling and moaning and drawing the most dreadful fears of the opponent, haunting the opponent. For five actions, there is a 25% chance each turn of the opponent not being able to attack from its fear. After the fifth action, the specter shrieks as it returns to Belisama. This move takes quite some energy from Belisama however, and somewhat tires her out, but not as much as when she was a Vulpix. This move can be used twice with a three round gap in between.

Type: Ghost | Accuracy: 80% | Damage: 0% | Effect: For 5 actions, 25% chance of opponent not being able to attack each action

Pikachu (M)
Nickname: Din
Received from: Original Team
Evolved From: Pokémon Breeding and Boosting Emporium
Signature Move: Electrical Surge
Description: Din works to build up the voltage stored in his body. Once it has reached its potential, he feels a charge and begins to get hyper and a bit aggressive as well. Then for three actions, three possibilities may happen. Din may dash swiftly throughout the arena, passing any obstacles and appearing as a blur to the opponent. Din may also begin to feel very feisty and shock the opponent with a random electric attack for more 7% more damage than it originally would do. Din may also get very furious and begin to toss random objects in the arena which he can get a hold of recklessly at the opponent. After the three actions are up, Din will calm down and become quite tired. This move can be cancelled if Din is calmed before the three turns are up, with moves such as Sweet Scent, Attract, etc.. This move can be used two times with a three round gap in between. Type: Electric | Accuracy: 85%, Random electric attack (70%), toss random objects (60%) | Damage: Electric attacks will do 7% more damage, random object damage is variable depending on the item | Effect: Dash around endlessly (30%), random electric attack (50%), toss random objects (20%)

Eevee (F)
Nickname: Everin
Received from: Original Team
Signature Move: Mix Up
Description: Everin tries to claw into her opponent’s mind through her own and when she does, the opponent struggles to rid of her. If they fail to, however, she causes the opponent to do a random attack. This could be either good or bad to Everin, depending on what the attack turns out to be. This move can be used two times per battle, with a four round gap between each.

Type: Psychic | Accuracy: 60% | Damage: 0% | Effect: See Above

Hoppip (M)
Nickname: Fluff
Received from: Original Team
Signature Move: Allergy Pollen
Description: Fluff floats above the opponent and sprinkles some spores on him or her. These spores cause the opponent to feel very ill, and it will severely lower their energy level (amount decided by ref). They will feel drowsy and it will be a bit hard for them to focus on the battle, and though they can still attack, it may cause them to miss more or their attack won’t be full force. However, the illness is treated like a status condition and can therefore be healed by moves that treat status conditions like Heal Bell. This move lasts for one round and then the opponent will be cured and can be used twice per battle, with a four round gap in between.

Type: Grass | Accuracy: 85% | Damage: 0% | Effect: Opponent’s will to fight and energy are severely lowered

Larvitar (M)
Nickname: Chaos
Received from: Original Team
Signature Move: Hades Wrath
Description: If the arena is an open area, the attack will begin with the sky darkening, and if it is enclosed, the room darkens. This attack lasts one round.

1st Action: A ring of blue flames encircle Chaos, and his eyes become a menacing deep indigo. If the opponent comes in contact with the flames (ref’s judgment on whether the opponent is close enough or not), they will get burned.

2nd Action: A radiant symbol of a pentagram appears beneath him and from it, a flash of powerful light bursts out of the outline of the pentagram. There is a slight chance that if this hits the opponent, it will lower their accuracy.

3rd Action: Chaos’ eyes will now become a sinister yellow and he will unleash a vehement force on the opponent, knocking them across the arena and causing a great deal of damage to him or her.

This attack uses up a lot of energy and can therefore be used only once per battle.

Type: Dark | Accuracy: 70% | Damage: 10% | Effect: 1st round, Burn if opponent gets too close, 2nd round, 10% chance of lowered accuracy

Tentacruel (F)
Nickname: Venom
Received from: Original Team
Evolved by: Pokémon Breeding and Boosting Emporium
Signature Move: Jellyfish Sting
Description: Venom slowly floats over to the opponent and seizes him or her, injecting a fluid into him or her. The fluid will either be a toxin or be charged with several volts, which will poison or paralyze the opponent, respectively. There is also a possibility the fluid is just pain-inducing and does not cause a regular status effect, and in that case, there is a possibility of the opponent getting woozy, forgetting to use their current attack, seeing two versions of Venom, or nothing. This move can be used three times per battle, with a three round gap between each. Type: Poison | Accuracy: 90% | Damage: 10% | Effect: 20% Poison, 20% Paralysis, 25% getting woozy, 10% forgetting to use attack, 15% seeing two copies of Venom, 10% No effect (just damage)

Sandshrew, Male
Nickname: Spike
Received from: Winning battle by DQ
Signature Move: Call of the Cave Shrew
Description: Spike goes into a brief trance, recalling the memories of his ancestors. After having cleared his mind of all but the past, one of four things may happen. Spike may go into a brutal rage, sharpening his claws and destroying everything in his path as he pursues the enemy, doing around 15% damage. The second thing that may happen is he may feel refreshed and replenished from the souls of his ancestors, healing around 5% and abolishing any status condition that may have inflicted him. Another possibility that may occur is his eyes will turn a deadly red, as he summons the spirits of his ancestors, who will purge the very essence of the opponent, causing a random status condition. The final thing, is his ancestors may be angered, having been disturbed from their sleep, and Spike will take 8% damage, as well as temporarily causing him to become dazed. This signature move can be used only twice and there must be a three round gap in between.

Type: Ground | Accuracy: 70% | Damage: (If brutal rage, does 15% damage) | Effect: Brutal rage (25%), Healing 5% and status condition (40%), Call spirits and cause random status effect to opponent (15%), Spike takes 8% damage and is temporarily dazed (20%)

Eevee (M)
Nickname: Kesler
Received from: Pokémon Procreation, Promotion, and Purging Place (bred from Vampyre, DarkPrincess' Houndoom, and Everin, my Eevee)
Signature Move: None

Nidoran (F)
Nickname: Jasmine
Received from: OzAndrew's Recycling Center, original trainer was Teddiursa89
Signature Move: None

Wins: 0
Wins by DQ: 2
Losses: 1
Draws: 0

My Adopted Pokémon
My Captured Pokémon
My Pack