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About Jennie

BandCamp Rocks! ;*

Bio's of the Webmasters, Creators...


Prefers: Jennie, Jen

Location: New Jersey

School: EJHS

B-day: Feb. 3

Pets: 1 dog, shakey. 2 cats, simba n gilby. 2 fish. never really named em.. 1 guinea pig, just call it piggy. couldn't think of a name...


Bandcamp Song: Valentine

Non-Bandcamp Song: 3 walking is cool, by sgt, but it scares my guinea pig.. so, perfect by simple plan is cool..but, i don't hate my dad.. i kinda hate my mom. ummm .. moving on and say anything by gc is cool 2.. my overall fav has gotta be...emotionless by gc. yeah.

Radio Station: i never listen 2 the radio unless i'm in the car, but 92.3.

Candy: Paulie Devincenzo. haha, <3 those bass players .. hehe, i like those mini reeses 2.

Barbie: I slept with Shavable Ken when i was little...

TV Show: Plastic Bag, plastic bag, plastic bag! oh, um...Clone High. The ADD 1 was great...

Channel: MTV

Website: um.. oh yea, this 1 - The Best Site Ever! muhahahaha.. sorry.

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