- Wednesday, November 5, 2003
After all the gol'durned work I put into the frames version you had better be using it. Love, Phil
- Monday, October 13, 2003
That's right, folks, it's a real live bonafide genuine Red Plaid Update. We have the mastered version of Skastrumental in our possession. Now we just have to send it away for duplication, and then you all can have your EPs. Buy two if you really love us. Target for beginning sales: Halloween. Oh, by the way, we wrote another song last night, which is tentatively titled "Untitled." Will definitely be on the setlist next time we play. EXPECT MORE NEWS SOON! (PHIL, THAT GUY).
- Tuesday, September 16, 2003
This is another one of those quasi-semi-sorta news updates. The EP is ALMOST DONE! Finally, for the LOVE OF GOD! Four tracks are done-done, and Skastrumental is totally recorded, and will soon be mastered and ready to rock. That jazz, plus duplication, getting our last bit of cover art together, shouldn't take too long. New (tentative) release: early October. So I guess you're allowed to keep asking me when it's coming out, but don't expect a real answer. We want to get this out ASAP, so expect us to "bring it" in the near future. (PHIL, THAT GUY).
- Saturday, September 13, 2003
12:44 AM is officially now Saturday. The Coffeehouse went GREAT, thanks to all the people who turned out. We rocked in rare form, and "One Common Conclusion" elevated us to momentary "hardest core ska band ever" status. Oh, and I lied, we're definitely playing that again. SUCKERS!!!! (PHIL, THAT GUY)
- Tuesday, September 9, 2003
!!!COFFEEHOUSE UPDATE!!! We are going on first, which means between 8 and 8:15, depending upon when you folks decide to show up. We get around a half-hour, so we will certainly have time to rock out to our hearts' desires. So come, it's only three bucks. (PHIL, THAT GUY)
- Thursday, September 4, 2003
We have a new song to play at the coffeehouse. We might only play it once, since it's a special one. If you don't come, you may miss "one common conclusion" forever. You snooze, you lose. (PHIL, THAT GUY)
- Tuesday, September 2, 2003
Yeah, so Seclusion Records now has a mailing list. Which, since we're a part of SCR, I figured we'll have updates in it, too. Also, the "Dark Side" will have a part in it, and look for RPM on a dark side show in the near future. We'll tear things up, I promise. Oh, and we're definitely playing the coffeehouse at HMHS. We play first, so get there when it starts (I still don't know that for sure, but I will soon. If you come, you'll still have time to make it out to Slackers or Bane (who likes openers, anyway?). (PHIL, THAT GUY).