Crystal Codes

1 Hit Enemy Kills 910017d2 

1st Pokemon: Infinite HP 910301dd 91e702dd 910303dd 91e704dd 

1st Pokemon: Max Level 9164fedc 

1st Pokemon: Max Stats 910305dd 91e706dd 910307dd 91e708dd 910309dd 91e70add 91030bdd 91e70cdd 91030ddd 91e70edd 

1st Pokemon: Pokemon Modifier 91xxd8dc 

2nd Pokemon: Infinite HP 910331dd 91e732dd 910333dd 91e734dd 

2nd Pokemon: Max Level 91642edc 

2nd Pokemon: Max Stats 910335dd 91e736dd 910337dd 91e738dd 910339dd 91e73add 91033bdd 91e73cdd 91033ddd 91e73edd 

2nd Pokemon: Pokemon Modifier 91xxd9dc 

3rd Pokemon: Infinite HP 910361dd 91e762dd 910363dd 91e764dd 

3rd Pokemon: Max Level 91645edc 

3rd Pokemon: Max Stats 910365dd 91e766dd 910367dd 91e768dd 910369dd 91e76add 91036bdd 91e76cdd 91036ddd 91e76edd 

3rd Pokemon: Pokemon Modifier 91xxdadc 

4th Pokemon: Infinite HP 910391dd 91e792dd 910393dd 91e794dd 

4th Pokemon: Max Level 91648edc 

4th Pokemon: Max Stats 910395dd 91e796dd 910397dd 91e798dd 910399dd 91e79add 91039bdd 91e79cdd 91039ddd 91e79edd 

4th Pokemon: Pokemon Modifier 91xxdbdc 

5th Pokemon: Infinite HP 9103c1dd 91e7c2dd 9103c3dd 91e7c4dd 

5th Pokemon: Max Level 9164bedc 

5th Pokemon: Max Stats 9103c5dd 91e7c6dd 9103c7dd 91e7c8dd 9103c9dd 91e7cadd 9103cbdd 91e7ccdd 9103cddd 91e7cedd 

5th Pokemon: Pokemon Modifier 91xxdcdc 

6th Pokemon: Infinite HP 9103f1dd 91e7f2dd 9103f3dd 91e7f4dd 

6th Pokemon: Max Level 9164eedc 

6th Pokemon: Max Stats 9103f5dd 91e7f6dd 9103f7dd 91e7f8dd 9103f9dd 91e7fadd 9103fbdd 91e7fcdd 9103fddd 91e7fedd 

6th Pokemon: Pokemon Modifier 91xxdddc 

All Pokemon in Pokedex 910f99de 
Ball Modifier Digits Ball Slots 1 - 12, replace xx with the following digits: 01 Master Ball 02 Ultra Ball 04 Great Ball 05 Poke Ball 9f Level Ball a0 Lure Ball a1 Fast Ball a3 Light Ball a4 Friend Ball a5 Moon Ball a6 Love Ball b1 Park Ball 6a Smoke Ball 

Ball Slot 1 Modifier 91xxd8d8 

Ball Slot 10 Modifier 91xxead8 

Ball Slot 11 Modifier 91xxecd8 

Ball Slot 12 Modifier 91xxeed8 

Ball Slot 2 Modifier 91xxdad8 

Ball Slot 3 Modifier 91xxdcd8 

Ball Slot 4 Modifier 91xxded8 

Ball Slot 5 Modifier 91xxe0d8 

Ball Slot 6 Modifier 91xxe2d8 

Ball Slot 7 Modifier 91xxe4d8 

Ball Slot 8 Modifier 91xxe6d8 

Ball Slot 9 Modifier 91xxe8d8 

Buy any item In Pokemart 91xxf1d0 91xxf2d0 91xxf3d0 91xxf4d0 91xxf5d0 91xxf6d0 91xxf7d0 91xxf8d0 91xxf9d0 91xxfad0 

Catch Any Pokemon 91xx04d2 

Enable Scrolling For Balls Replace xx with the amount of ball slots you are using. Use the Pokemon Level Modifiers for the digits. 91xxd7d8 

Enable Scrolling For Items Replace xx with the amount of item slots you are using. Use the Pokemon Level Modifiers for the digits. 91xx92d8 

Enemy Level Modifier (In Battle) 91xx13d2 

Have All Badges 91ff57d8 91ff58d8 

Have All PokeGear Items 91ff57d9 

Infinite Balls Slot 1 9163d9d8 

Infinite Balls Slot 10 9163ebd8 

Infinite Balls Slot 11 9163edd8 

Infinite Balls Slot 12 9163efd8 

Infinite Balls Slot 2 9163dbd8 

Infinite Balls Slot 3 9163ddd8 

Infinite Balls Slot 4 9163dfd8 

Infinite Balls Slot 5 9163e1d8 

Infinite Balls Slot 6 9163e3d8 

Infinite Balls Slot 7 9163e5d8 

Infinite Balls Slot 8 9163e7d8 

Infinite Balls Slot 9 9163e9d8 

Infinite Item Slot 1 916394d8 

Infinite Item Slot 10 9163a6d8 

Infinite Item Slot 11 9163a8d8 

Infinite Item Slot 12 9163aad8 

Infinite Item Slot 13 9163acd8 

Infinite Item Slot 14 9163aed8 

Infinite Item Slot 15 9163b0d8 

Infinite Item Slot 16 9163b2d8 

Infinite Item Slot 17 9163b4d8 

Infinite Item Slot 2 916396d8 

Infinite Item Slot 3 916398d8 

Infinite Item Slot 4 91639ad8 

Infinite Item Slot 5 91639cd8 

Infinite Item Slot 6 91639ed8 

Infinite Item Slot 7 9163a0d8 

Infinite Item Slot 8 9163a2d8 

Infinite Item Slot 9 9163a4d8 

Infinite Money 910f4ed8 91424fd8 913f50d8 

Item Modifier Digits Part 1 Item Slots 1 - 17, replace xx with the following digits: 01 Master Ball 02 Ultra Ball 03 BrightPowder 04 Great Ball 05 PokeBall 06 Teru-Sama 07 Bicycle 08 Moon Stone 09 Antidote 0a Burn Heal 0b Ice Heal 0c Awakening 0d Parlyz Heal 0e Full Restore 0f Max Potion 10 Hyper Potion 11 Super Potion 12 Potion 13 Escape Rope 14 Repel 15 Max Elixer 16 Fire Stone 17 ThunderStone 18 Water Stone 1a HP Up 1b Protein 1c Iron 1d Carbos 1e Lucky Punch 1f Calcium 20 Rare Candy 21 X Accuracy 22 Leaf Stone 23 Metal Powder 24 Nugget 25 Poke Doll 26 Full Heal 27 Revive 28 Max Revive 29 Guard Spec 2a Super Repel 2b Max Repel 2c Dire hit 2e Fresh Water 2f Soda Pop 30 Lemonade 31 X Attack 33 X Defend 34 X Speed 35 X Special 36 Coin Case 37 Item Finder 39 Exp Share 3a Old Rod 3b Good Rod 3c Silver Leaf 3d Super Rod 3e PP Up 3f Ether 40 Max Ether 41 Elixer 42 Red Scale 43 SecretPotion 44 S.S. Ticket 45 Mystery Egg 46 Clear Bell 47 Silver Wing 48 Moomoo Milk 49 Quick Claw 4a PsnCureBerry 4b Gold Leaf 4c Soft Sand 4d Sharp Beak 4e PrzCureBerry 4f Burnt Berry 50 Ice Berry 51 Poison Barb 52 King's Rock 53 Bitter Berry 54 Mint Berry 55 Red Apricorn 56 TinyMushroom 57 Big Mushroom 58 SilverPowder 59 Blu Apricorn 5b Amulet Coin 5c Ylw Apricorn 5d Grn Apricorn 5e Cleanse Tag 5f Mystic Water 60 TwistedSpoon 61 Wht Apricorn 62 Blackbelt 63 Blk Apricorn 

Item Modifier Digits Part 2 Item Slots 1 - 17, replace xx with the following digits: 01 65 Pnk Apricorn 66 Blackglasses 67 SlowPoketail 68 Pink Bow 69 Stick 6a Smoke Ball 6b NeverMeltIce 6c Magnet 6d MiracleBerry 6e Pearl 6f Big Pearl 70 Everstone 71 Spell Tag 72 RageCandybar 73 GS Ball 74 Blue Card 75 Miracle Seed 76 Thick Club 77 Focus Band 79 EnergyPowder 7a Enery Root 7b Heal Powder 7c Revival Herb 7d Hard Stone 7e Lucky Egg 7f Card Key 80 Machine Part 81 Egg Ticket 82 Lost Item 83 Stardust 84 Star Piece 85 Basement Key 86 Pass 8a Charcoal 8b Berry Juice 8c Scope Lens 8f Metal Coat 90 Dragon Fang 92 Leftovers 96 MysteryBerry 97 Dragon Scale 98 Berserk Gene 9c Sacred Ash 9d Heavy Ball 9e Flower Mail 9f Level Ball a0 Lure Ball a1 Fast Ball a3 Light Ball a4 Friend Ball a5 Moon Ball a6 Love Ball a7 Normal Box a8 Gorgeous Box a9 Sun Stone aa Polka Dot ac Up-Grade ad Berry ae Gold Berry af SquirtBottle b1 Park Ball b2 Rainbow Wing b4 Brick Piece b5 Suf Mail b6 LiteBlueMail b7 PortraitMail b8 Lovely Mail b9 Eon Mail ba Morph Mail bb BlueSky Mail bc Music Mail bd Mirage Mail bf TM01 c0 TM02 c1 TM03 c2 TM04 c4 TM05 c5 TM06 c6 TM07 c7 TM08 c8 TM09 c9 TM10 

Item Modifier Digits Part 3 Item Slots 1 - 17, replace xx with the following digits: ca TM11 cb TM12 cc TM13 cd TM14 ce TM15 cf TM16 d0 TM17 d1 TM18 d2 TM19 d3 TM20 d4 TM21 d5 TM22 d6 TM23 d7 TM24 d8 TM25 d9 TM26 da TM27 db TM28 dd TM29 de TM30 df TM31 e0 TM32 e1 TM32 e2 TM34 e3 TM35 e4 TM36 e5 TM37 e6 TM38 e7 TM39 e8 TM40 e9 TM41 ea TM42 eb TM43 ec TM44 ed TM45 ee TM46 ef TM47 f0 TM48 f1 TM49 f2 TM50 f3 HM01 f4 HM02 f5 HM03 f6 HM04 f7 HM05 f8 HM06 f9 HM07 fa HM08 fb HM09 fc HM10 fd HM11 fe HM12 

Item Slot 1 Modifier 91xx93d8 

Item Slot 10 Modifier 91xxa5d8 

Item Slot 11 Modifier 91xxa7d8 

Item Slot 12 Modifier 91xxa9d8 

Item Slot 13 Modifier 91xxabd8 

Item Slot 14 Modifier 91xxadd8 

Item Slot 15 Modifier 91xxafd8 

Item Slot 16 Modifier 91xxb1d8 

Item Slot 17 Modifier 91xxb3d8 

Item Slot 2 Modifier 91xx95d8 

Item Slot 3 Modifier 91xx97d8 

Item Slot 4 Modifier 91xx99d8 

Item Slot 5 Modifier 91xx9bd8 

Item Slot 6 Modifier 91xx9dd8 

Item Slot 7 Modifier 91xx9fd8 

Item Slot 8 Modifier 91xxa1d8 

Item Slot 9 Modifier 91xxa3d8 

Low Game Time 9100c5d4 9100c6d4 

Move Modifier Digits Part 1 Attack Modifier for Pkemon 1 thru 6 Slots 1 - 4, 
replace xx with the following digits: 01 Pound 02 Karate Chop 03 Doubleslap 04 Comet Punch 05 Mega Punch 06 Pay Day 07 Fire Punch 08 Ice Punch 09 ThunderPunch 0a Scratch 0b 
Vicegrip 0c Guillotine 0d Razor Wind 0e Swords Dance 0f Cut 10 Gust 11 Wing Attack 12 WhirlWind 13 Fly 14 Bind 15 Slam 16 Vine Whip 17 Stomp 18 Doublekick 19 Mega Kick 1a Jump Kick 1b RollingKick 1c SoundAttack 1d Headbutt 1e Horn Attack 1f Fury Attack 20 Horn Drill 21 Tackle 22 Body Slam 23 Wrap 24 Take Down 25 Thrash 26 Double Edge 27 Tail Whip 28 Poison Sting 29 Twineedle 2a Pin Missile 2b Leer 2c Bite 2d Growl 2e Roar 2f Sing 30 Supersonic 31 SonicBoom 32 Disable 33 Acid 34 Ember 35 FlameThrower 36 Mist 37 Water Gun 38 Hydro Pump 39 Surf 3a Ice Beam 3b Blizzard 3c Psybeam 3d Bubble Beam 3e Aurora Beam 3f Hyper Beam 40 Peck 41 Drill Peck 42 Submission 43 Low Kick 44 Counter 45 Seismic Toss 46 Strength 47 Absorb 48 Mega Drain 49 Leech Seed 4a Growth 4b Razor Leaf 4c Solarbeam 4d PoisonPowder 4e Stun Spore 4f Sleep Powder 50 Petal Dance 51 String Shot 52 Dragon Rage 53 Fire Spin 54 ThunderShock 55 ThunderBolt 56 Thunder Wave 57 Thunder 58 Rock Throw 59 Earthquake 5a Fissure 5b Dig 5c Toxic 5d Confusion 5e Psychih 5f Hypnosis 60 Meditate 61 Agility 62 Quick Attack 63 Rage 64 Teleport 
Move Modifier Digits Part 2 Attack Modifier for Pkemon 1 thru 6 Slots 1 - 4, replace xx with the following digits: 65 Night Shade 66 Mimic 67 Screech 68 Double Team 69 Recover 6a Harden 6b Minimize 6c Smokescreen 6d Confuse Ray 6e Withdraw 6f Defense Curl 70 Barrier 71 Light Screen 72 Reflect 73 Haze 74 Focus Energy 75 Bide 76 Metronome 77 Mirror Move 78 SelfDestruct 79 Egg Bomb 7a Lick 7b Smog 7c Sludge 7d Bone Club 7e Fire Blast 7f Waterfall 80 Clamp 81 Swift 82 Skull Bash 83 Spike Cannon 84 Constrict 85 Amnesia 86 Kenisis 87 SoftBoiled 88 Hi Jump Kick 89 Glare 8a Dream Eater 8b Poison Gas 8c Barrage 8d Leech Life 8e Lovely Kiss 8f Sky Attack 90 Transform 91 Bubble 92 Dizzy Punch 93 Spore 94 Flash 95 Psywave 96 Splash 97 Acid Armor 98 Crabhammer 99 Explosion 9a Fury Swipes 9b Bonemerang 9c Rest 9d Rock Slide 9e Hyper Fang 9f Sharpen a0 Conversion a1 Tri Attack a2 Super Fang a3 Slash a4 Substitute a5 Struggle a6 Sketch a7 Triple Kick a8 Thief a9 Spider Web aa Mind Reader ab Nightmare ac Flame Wheel ad Snore ae Curse af Flail b0 Conversion2 b1 AeroBlast b2 Cotton Spore b3 Reversal b4 Spite b5 Powder Snow b6 Protect b7 Mach Punch b8 Scary Face b9 Faint Attack ba Sweet Kiss bb Belly Drum bc Sludge Bomb bd Mud-Slap be Octazooka bf Spikes c0 Zap Cannon c1 Foresight c2 Destiny Bond c3 Perish Song c4 Icy Wind c5 Detect c6 Bone Rush c7 Lock-On c8 Outrage 

Move Modifier Digits Part 3 Attack Modifier for Pkemon 1 thru 6 Slots 1 - 4, replace xx with the following digits: c9 Sandstorm ca Giga Drain cb Endure cc Charm cd Rollout ce False Swipe cf Swagger d0 Milk Drink d1 Spark d2 Fury Cutter d3 Steel Wing d4 Mean Look d5 Attract d6 Sleep Talk d7 Heal Bell d8 Return d9 Present da Frustration db Safeguard dc Pain Split dd Sacred Fire de Magnitude df DynamicPunch e0 Mega Horn e1 Dragonbreath e2 Baton Pass e3 Encore e4 Pursuit e5 Rapid Spin e6 Sweet Scent e7 Iron Tail e8 Metal Claw e9 Vital Throw ea Morning Sun eb Synthesis ec Moonlight ed Hidden Power ee Cross Chop ef Twister f0 Rain Dance f1 Sunny Day f2 Crunch f3 Mirror Coat f4 Psych Up f5 ExtremeSpeed f6 AncientPower f7 Shadow Ball f8 Future Sight f9 Rock Smash fa Whirlpool fb Beat Up 

Pkmn1 Max PP 9163f6dc 9163f7dc 9163f8dc 9163f9dc 

Pkmn1 Move1 Mod 91xxe1dc 

Pkmn1 Move2 Mod 91xxe2dc 

Pkmn1 Move3 Mod 91xxe3dc 

Pkmn1 Move4 Mod 91xxe4dc 

Pkmn2 Max PP 916326dd 916327dd 916328dd 916329dd 

Pkmn2 Move1 Mod 91xx11dd 

Pkmn2 Move2 Mod 91xx11dd 

Pkmn2 Move3 Mod 91xx11dd 

Pkmn2 Move4 Mod 91xx11dd 

Pkmn3 Max PP 916356dd 916357dd 916358dd 916359dd 

Pkmn3 Move1 Mod 91xx41dd 

Pkmn3 Move2 Mod 91xx41dd 

Pkmn3 Move3 Mod 91xx41dd 

Pkmn3 Move4 Mod 91xx41dd 

Pkmn4 Max PP 916386dd 916387dd 916388dd 916389dd 

Pkmn4 Move1 Mod 91xx71dd 

Pkmn4 Move2 Mod 91xx72dd 

Pkmn4 Move3 Mod 91xx73dd 

Pkmn4 Move4 Mod 91xx74dd 

Pkmn5 Max PP 9163b6dd 9163b7dd 9163b8dd 9163b9dd 

Pkmn5 Move1 Mod 91xxa1dd 

Pkmn5 Move2 Mod 91xxa1dd 

Pkmn5 Move3 Mod 91xxa1dd 

Pkmn5 Move4 Mod 91xxa1dd 

Pkmn6 Max PP 9163e6dd 9163e7dd 9163e8dd 9163e9dd 

Pkmn6 Move1 Mod 91xxd1dd 

Pkmn6 Move2 Mod 91xxd1dd 

Pkmn6 Move3 Mod 91xxd1dd 

Pkmn6 Move4 Mod 91xxd1dd 

01 Bulbasaur 02 Ivysaur 03 Venusaur 04 Charmander 05 Charmeleon 06 Charizard 07 Squirtle 08 Wartortle 09 Blastoise 0a Caterpie 0b Metapod 0c Butterfree 0d Weedle 0e Kakuna 0f Beedrill 10 Pidgey 11 Pidgeotto 12 Pidgeot 13 Rattata 14 Raticate 15 Spearow 16 Fearow 17 Ekans 18 Arbok 19 Pikachu 1a Raichu 1b Sandshrew 1c Sandslash 1d Nidoran (F) 1e Nidorina 1f Nidoqueen 20 Nidoran (M) 21 Nidorino 22 Nidoking 23 Clefairy 24 Clefable 25 Vulpix 26 Ninetales 27 Jigglypuff 28 Wigglytuff 29 Zubat 2a Golbat 2b Oddish 2c Gloom 2d Vileplume 2e Paras 2f Parasect 30 Venonat 31 Venomoth 32 Diglett 33 Dugtrio 34 Meowth 35 Persian 36 Psyduck 37 Golduck 38 Mankey 39 Primeape 3a Growlithe 3b Arcanine 3c Poliwag 3d Poliwhirl 3e Poliwrath 3f Abra 40 Kadabra 41 Alakazam 42 Machop 43 Machoke 44 Machamp 45 Bellsprout 46 Weepinbell 47 Victreebel 48 Tentacool 49 Tentacruel 4a Geodude 4b Graveler 4c Golem 4d Ponyta 4e Rapidash 4f Slowpoke 50 Slowbro 51 Magnemite 52 Magnetron 53 Farfetch'd 54 Doduo 55 Dodrio 56 Seel 57 Dewgong 58 Grimer 59 Muk 5a Shellder 5b Cloyster 5c Gastly 5d Haunter 5e Gengar 5f Onix 60 Drowzee 61 Hypno 62 Krabby 63 Kingler 64 Voltorb 65 Electrode 66 Exeggcute 67 Exegutor 68 Cubone 69 Marowak 6a Hitmonlee 6b Hitmonchan 6c Lickitung 6d Koffing 6e Weezing 6f Rhyhorn 70 Rhydon 71 Chansey 72 Tangela 73 Kangaskhan 74 Horsea 75 Seadra 76 Goldeen 77 Seaking 78 Staryu 79 Starmie 7a Mr. Mime 7b Scyther 7c Jynx 7d Electabuzz 7e Magmar 7f Pinsir 80 Tauros 81 Magicarp 82 Gyarados 83 Lapras 84 Ditto 85 Eevee 86 Vaporeon 87 Jolteon 88 Flareon 89 Porygon 8a Omanyte 8b Omastar 8c Kabuto 8d Kabutops 8e Aerodactyl 8f Snorlax 90 Articuno 91 Zapdos 92 Moltres 93 Dratini 94 Dragonair 95 Dragonite 96 Mewtwo 97 Mew 98 Chikorita 99 Bayleef 9a Meganium 9b Cynaquil 9c Guilava 9d Typhlosion 9e Totodile 9f Croconaw a0 Feraligatr a1 Sentret a2 Furret a3 Hoothoot a4 Noctowl a5 Ledyba a6 Ledian a7 Spinarak a8 Ariados a9 Crobat aa Chincho