Episode Guide

BizWay Banner Exchage - Free Hits


01 01 Pokémon! I Choose You! 
02 02 Pokémon Emergency 
03 03 Ash Catches a Pokémon 
04 04 Challenge of the Samurai 
05 05 Showdown in Pewter City 
06 06 Clefairy and the Moon Stone 
07 07 The Water Flowers of Cerulean City 
08 08 The Path to the Pokémon League 
09 09 The School of Hard Knocks 
10 10 Bulbasaur and the Hidden Village 
11 11 Charmander - The Stray Pokémon 
12 12 Here Comes the Squirtle Squad 
13 13 Mystery at the Lighthouse 
14 14 Electric Shock Showdown 
15 15 Battle Aboard the St. Anne 
16 16 Pokémon Shipwreck 
17 17 Island of the Giant Pokémon 
18 18 Beauty and the Beach 
19 19 Tentacool and Tentacruel 
20 20 The Ghost at Maiden's Peak 
21 21 Bye Bye Butterfree 
22 22 Abra and the Psychic Pokémon 
23 23 The Tower of Terror 
24 24 Haunter Vs. Kadabra 
25 25 Primeape Goes Bananas 
26 26 Pokémon Scent-sation! 
27 27 Hypno's Naptime 
28 28 Pokémon Fashion Flash 
29 29 The Punchy Pokémon 
30 30 Sparks Fly for Magnemite 
31 31 Dig Those Diglett 
32 32 The Ninja Poké-Showdown 
33 33 The Flame Pokémon-athon 
34 34 The Kangaskhan Kid 
35 35 The Legend of Dratini 
36 36 The Bridge Bike Gang 
37 37 Ditto's Mysterious Mansion 
38 — Electric Soldier Porygon 
Special Holiday Hi-Jynx 
Special Snow Way Out 
39 38 Pikachu's Goodbye 
40 39 The Battling Eevee Brothers 
41 40 Wake up Snorlax 
42 41 Showdown at Dark City 
43 42 March of the Exeggutor Squad 
44 43 The Problem with Paras 
45 44 The Song of Jigglypuff 
46 45 Attack of the Prehistoric Pokémon 
47 46 A Chansey Operation 
48 47 Holy Matrimony! 
49 48 So Near, Yet So Farfetch'd 
50 49 Who Gets to Keep Togepi? 
51 50 Bulbasaur's Mysterious Garden 
52 51 Princess Versus Princess 
53 52 The Purr-fect Hero 
54 53 Case of the K-9 Capers 
55 54 Pokémon Paparazzi 
56 55 The Ultimate Test 
57 56 The Breeding Center Secret 
58 57 Riddle Me This 
59 58 Volcanic Panic 
60 59 Beach Blank-Out Blastoise 
61 60 The Misty Mermaid 
62 61 Clefairy Tales 
63 62 The Battle of the Badge 
64 63 It's Mr. Mimie Time 
65 64 Showdown at the Po-ké Corral 
66 65 The Evolution Solution 
67 66 Pi-Kahuna 
68 67 Make Room for Gloom 
69 68 Lights, Camera, Quack-tion 
70 69 Go West Young Meowth 
71 70 To Master the Onixpected 
72 71 The Ancient Puzzle of Pokémopolis 
73 72 Bad To The Bone 
74 73 All Fired Up! 
75 74 Round One - Begin! 
76 75 Fire And Ice 
77 76 The Fourth Round Rumble 
78 77 A Friend In Deed 
79 78 Friend or Foe Alike 
80 79 Friends To The End 
81 80 Pallet Party Panic 


E 82 81 Scare in the Air 
83 82 Pokéball Peril 
84 83 The Lost Lapras 
85 84 Fit to be Tide 
86 85 Pikachu Re-Volts 
87 86 The Crystal Onix 
88 87 In the Pink 
89 88 Shell Shock 
90 89 Stage Fight! 
91 90 Bye Bye Psyduck 
92 91 The Joy of Pokémon 
93 92 Navel Maneuvers 
94 93 Snack Attack 
95 94 A Ship Full of Shivers 
96 95 Meowth Rules 
97 96 Tracey Gets Bugged 
98 97 A Way off Day off 
99 98 The Mandarin Island Miss Match 
100 99 Wherefore Art Thou, Pokémon? 
101 100 Git Along, Little Pokémon 
102 101 The Mystery Menace 
103 102 Misty Meets Her Match 
104 103 Bound For Trouble 
105 104 Charizard Chills 
106 105 The Pokémon Water War 
107 106 Pokémon Food Fight 
108 107 Pokémon Double Trouble 
109 108 The Wacky Watcher 
110 109 The Stun Spore Detour 
111 110 Hello Pummelo 
112 111 Enter the Dragonite 
113 112 Viva Las Lapras 
114 113 The Underground Round Up 
115 114 A Tent Situation 
116 115 The Rivalry Revival 


S 117 116 Don't Touch That 'dile 
118 117 The Double Trouble Header 
119 118 A Sappy Ending 
120 119 Roll On, Pokémon 
121 120 Illusion Confusion 
122 121 Flower Power 
123 122 Spinarak Attack 
124 123 Snubbull Snobbery 
125 124 The Little Big Horn 
126 125 The Chikorita Rescue 
127 126 Once in a Blue Moon 
128 127 Whistle Stop 
129 128 Ignorance is Blissey 
130 129 A Bout With Sprout 
131 130 Fighting Flyer With Fire 
132 131 For Crying Out Loud 
133 132 Tanks A Lot! 
134 133 Charizard's Burning Ambitions 
135 134 Grin To Win! 
136 135 Chikorita's Big Upset 
137 136 Foul Weather Friends 
138 137 The Superhero Secret 
139 138 Mild 'n Wooly 
140 139 Wired For Battle 
141 140 Good 'Quil Hunting 
142 141 A Shadow Of A Drought 
143 142 Going Apricorn! 
144 143 Gettin' The Bugs Out 
145 144 A Farfetch'd Tale 
146 145 Tricks Of The Trade 
147 146 The Fire-ring Squad 
148 147 No Big Woop 
149 148 Tunnel Vision 
150 149 Hour of the Houndour 
151 150 The Totodile Duel 
152 151 Hot Matches 
153 152 Love, Totodile Style 
154 153 Fowl Play 
155 154 Forest Grumps* 
156 155 The Psychic Sidekicks* 
157 156 The Fortune Hunters 
*Hasn't been aired on WB yet.