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Go get a piece of paper and a pencil and follow the instructions below!!

1. Write down a number between 1 and 10.

2. Multiply that number by 9.

3. Add the didgits of the results.

4. Subtract 5 from that new number.

5. Find the letter that corresponds to that number. Example: 1=A, 2=B, and so on.

6. Think of a country that begins with your letter and write it down.

7. Think of an animal beginning with the second letter of that country.

8. Think of the color of that animal.

9. Now write down both the animal and its color.

10. Think of an animal beginning with the last letter of your country.

11. Think of a fruit that begins with the last letter of your second animal.

12. Write down the second animal and that fruit.

13. When you're finally finished, click Analyze!

Thanks so much to Sara for this awesome game!!