Can't Say No



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Updated: May 31th 2001

Chapter 52 53 and the epilogue are New!

that's it guys!were done!!CAN'T SAY NO is now finish!! We want to thanks each and everyone of you for your support during the past year!!we've been working really hard on the story!!we hope you liked it!!PLEASE tell us what you think about this story!!And Stay Tuned!Cuz were working on a new story and a new web site!We Love you guys!
Thanks a bunch

Mary & Val


Take The Poll!!!


Mary&Val Story Book

The New site Is Now Open


The New Story is now up! Suscribe to the New Mailling list on the Main page and let us know what you think of our new story in the message board,guestbook or by e-mail!

we're noe hosting stories!so If Any Of You have story to host place your demand by e-mail! =)

If you want to win awards or us to link you visite the appropriate section!!

Don't Be shy to Spread the words!!



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