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Welcome Chomedey High
to the virtual reunion.

Still alive from 2013 to 2022

With complete lists of students, we can now start what I like to call the bald,fat,divorced database, in other words a virtual reunion. Sounds like fun eh? E-mail me or use the handy form below to add the personal statistics you want listed next to your name. Some good stats to include are:
Hair - Yes - No
Weight - Now - Then
Marital status - M - D - S
Kids - # - M - F - Age
Car - Make - Model - Year
City of residence
Type of house - # of rooms - pool - tennis court

You get the idea! Of course you can submitt just your e-mail address and the city you now live in. Send me what ever stats you want posted. Unlike I will never charge you to view this information. Once the stats are in you can have a virtual reunion any time you like. Simply log in to the site and check whose, balder, fatter, seperated, divorced, sick, healthy, poor, rich, available, etc.... What fun !!
This virtual reunion is as good as you make it. So start sending in your statistics now !! If you do good things for your community, if you have raised healthy,happy children, if your rich and give lots to charity, if you've finally lost that weight, or got the perfect mate... tell us and all your friends at the virtual reunion. All stats sent in are subject to confirmation.

Use this handy form:

Your name:

Your e-mail address:

Your statistics:

Your date of graduation:

Click here to visit the virtual reunion.

Click here to go to the Memorial page.

Click here to go to the Photo Page.

Click here to view the top nine resaons to not attend the C.P.H.S. reunion of 2001.

Click here for more reunion jokes.

Click here to e-mail me !

Need more info ? Use my google !

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chomedey high class of 1976 chomedey polyvalent high class of '76 chomedey high chomedey chomedey chomedey high school class of 1976 chomedey polyvalent high school class of 1976 class of 1975 class of 1974 class of 1973 class of 1972 class of 1971 class of 1970 chomedey chomedey high high chomedey chomedey chomedey chomedey yeah that's right chomedey high school chomedey !!