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Denial Song

In your dreams, in your head,
In the book that you've read.
In a song, in the sky,
Every time you start to cry.
At the sound of his voice,
Every time you make a choice.
You're so sure that it's love,
Soaring on the wings of a dove.
He's never even seen your face,
But you won't stop running the race.
You know that one day soon
He will come running for you
And everyone that said you'd fail
Will admire your white veil.
This will fade, eventually go away,
But you don't want to hear it.
You listen to the words he sings,
Imagining the golden rings.
Only time will tell
The ending of your fairy tale.
You don't want to know reality.
You're happy living in make-believe.
But when your walls come crashing down,
Your heart won't even make a sound.
You will die from the pain,
And wonder what you have gained
From putting all your hope
In the snow that only melts away.

This poem has been copyrighted, and all and any copying is illegal and subject to applicable laws.

By Lisa (webmaster)
Home to These Moonlit Skies